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Posts posted by Skeezix

  1. In 1975 I joined the "Outing Club" at J. Sargent Reynolds Community College in Richmond, VA. This other guy in the club knew how to rock climb and had gear, so I went on a climbing trip to Seneca Rocks, W.VA. and climbed Conn's West, my first route. It was fun. Then I joined the Army and talked my way into teaching rock climbing for the 9th Infantry Division in Leavenworth, WA. Then I got out and landed a job as a climbing ranger in North Cascades National Park and did that for 10 years...


    What's your story?

  2. 0-18 Richmond, VA

    19-22 Leavenworth, WA/Garmisch Partenkirchen,DDR

    23-25 Olympia, WA

    26-48 Anacortes/Bellingham/N. Cascades N.P./Mt. Rainier/Death Valley

    49 Taholah

    50-52 Port Angeles


    Are you new in town?

    Nope. I'm the same... it's the town that's new.

  3. I get tired of all these steroid boys that come back all pumped up and naive after a tour in the army parroting all the military brainwashing. I served four years as a grunt in the infantry in the late seventies ...these young'uns need about thirty years to mellow, reflect, and let the brainwashing wear off a bit. Then we can talk.

  4. KK seemed very certain that McCain was going to win after Palin's speech. It's pretty ironic how completely WRONG KK was... Especially since a lot of Republicans are now saying that McCain's choice of Palin was the misstep that pushed them to cross over and vote for Obama. KK's thinking has now proven to be so completely flawed ...Obama's win must be a bitter pill for KK to swallow. It's tough realizing that you've cast your lot with a loser, and by affiliation, become a loser yourself. Especially to be so arrogantly and vitriolically wrong in such a public setting. What a complete and utter fool. In front of everyone here... Let's reach out and wrap our arms around KK. He's probably hurting.

  5. Sounds like you're getting nervous. Rossi is going to win in a landslide. Were you whites-only sorority sisters with Gregoire?

    Rossi in a landslide, Fairweather? How about Gregoire 52%, Rossi 48%??

  6. A brother living in a hut in abject poverty in Kenya, and now an aunt living illegally here in the USA for years in a government subsidized housing project. Just great.

    Listen to yourself. Is this the best you've got? Pathetic. No wonder you're losing.

  7. 2992959908_873ee68cd1.jpg

    Generic Camp Woody ...there's probably a lot of these around. Best finish for the shaft is oil, such as linseed. Looks great on the lodge wall.





    MSR Sumner Axe ...55cm. The perfect all-around axe for the N. Cascades. My attempt to re-paint it didn't hold up. I need to figure out a better coating. Any suggestions?

  8. I'll bite. When I left the Army in 1979, I was an E-4 11-Charlie Indirect Fire Crewman on special duty assignment as a ski instructor at the Armed Forces Recreation Center in Garmisch, Germany. Our motto was "We ski to keep America free."

  9. 2987447981_9ae5281f88_o.jpg

    This thread is intended to celebrate the fundamental tool of alpinism. So dig out your prized tool(s), capture a portrait, and post it here. The chestnut depicted above, by the way, is not mine ...I'll be posting a few from my collection later.

  10. I watched the infomercial on YouTube. It was well done. Pretty much everything Obama has done has been done well. That's because he is a quality individual, which is what the voters are responding to. And that's why the repugnicans' attempts to tear him down aren't working. McPalin can try to impugn him as a socialist, or accuse him of consorting with terrorists. Our own Fairweather can mockingly refer to him as the Messiah. None of these pathetic bleatings will be effective in the end.

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