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Posts posted by Skeezix

  1. Who's Bob Barr?


    Oooohhhhh. Libertarian. So you're one of those nerdy types that gets all excited in political conversations and likes to walk on the don't walk light.

  2. There are some pretty horrendous presidents we have had to endure.

    True... Reagan, for instance. Nixon. Clinton was good. We were a lot better off when Clinton was in office than we are today.

  3. You asked for it... 2977254898_a49ec50da8.jpg

    Oral hygeine at Humes Ranch campsite...


    Heading to Grand Lake...


    Heading to Grand Lake w/ Mom


    Upper Dungeness Trail


    First Ski Race --Buddy Werner Championship at Stevens Pass


    Pez break on Royal Basin Tr.


    Game face on...


    Today, fording the N. Fork Sol Duc River.


  4. This is, like, last month's news. Will you please ask Joe Biden how many letters there are in J-O-B-S? Or who the best candidate for VP would have been? Or how soon we'll be attacked if Obama becomes president? Or how a paraplegic man should stand for an ovation? Or what article 1 of the Constitution says? Or how FDR reassured Americans in 1929 on Television that didn't yet exist? Or....


    The only difference is ...Biden's going to be vice president, and your candidate is going to remain the laughing stock of everyone in the population who is more than halfway evolved.

  5. I know a little bit about that double fatality in 1984, as I helped recover the two victims from the base of the gully above the Price Glacier. They were killed by an avalanche high on the mountain, but their bodies were swept down the mountain by winter climax avalanches. Bill Lester knew where the accident occured, so on every occasion when he was flying in the area, he flew over the gully to see if the victims' bodies had melted out. Eventually he spotted them in mid-summer. It was my first summer working in NOCA. Four of us flew in and spent the night near Price Lake, and in the morning we climbed up and recovered the bodies and flew them out. I did not know the names of the victims. ...It's kind of cool that someone went to the trouble to place the sign there as a memorial, although if it's inside the park boundary it's illegal.

  6. While executive experience is certainly relevant, that quality we call "leadership" is less tangible and includes vision, judgement, intelligence, and ability to communicate. The president enjoys signficant resources in terms of administrative support to help with the management part of the job. Therefore, I don't agree that Obama sucks as a candidate.

  7. I wont vote for Obama just because of his stance on guns. He believes in a total ban on handguns, weapons in homes and "assault rifles". This is the most telling about Obama's lack of understanding when it comes to the average citizen. I don't know what I am going to do on the 4th, but I sure as hell know what I wont do; vote Obama.

    Really? I just went on Obama's website and looked up his stance on gun control. It says he believes that the 2nd amendment provides private citizens with a right to bear arms. "He will protect the rights of hunters and other law-abiding Americans to purchase, own, transport, and use guns." Link

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