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Everything posted by griz
It will be interesting to see how far this "youngest ever" thing goes... we had a brother and sister team in a few months ago looking for sponsorship for the seven summits, as well. They were barely 17!!!
yeah, MN , i just looked at the file size of your small images(thumbnails) on your first page! some are 200k +!!! trim the size down to like10-20k for each pic. they will look the same and not torture people with dial up. it loads a little slow even with comcast.
Hey MysticN.Good luck on your idea. I don't know donkey dick about web design but do have allot of experience with graphic design and photography. Things I see on your page that don't work... -the header looks washed out,blury. Needs to be crisper. -lose the (x) by the categories. the numbers are small and makes the site look amateurish and small time. - I don't care what my IP address is or about the other tech stuff on the bottom is. lose it. - the blue is too dark and makes it tough to read "artist", "information" -if you had allot of artists on the site the drop box with a list of names would work but with just 3 it looks silly. Try an approach that focuses on each artist's work? Instead of a big mixed bag. -an the page with the larger pic version the "8x10 Costs:$50" looks odd. I'd keep the pricing in the drop box only. "8x10 costs" sounds weird too. Is it even correct grammar? Also, talk about what the prints are made on...did I miss it somewhere? are they inkjet?are they archival quality inkjet? are they LightJet prints? Giclee? From slides or negs? If a person is going to shell out 500 for a print they will want to know this info or should be made aware. the competition is intense in this field. you have to be top notch for people to want to deal with you. Also, what is your plan to direct traffic to this site? there are HUNDREDS and hundreds of sites like this and many of them with far,far better photographs. just putting up a site does not mean people will find it. Like most on this thread I'm not trying to be a dick just giving an honest critique. Again,good luck with your idea.
so all the times I've had nausea,tunnel vision, light headednes then pressure breathed for a spell and rid myself of these things was just my imagination? Doubt it. Disbelieve away,ladies and gents. Knowing how to breath at altitude is a keystone for success. You may be able to get away with shitty breathing technique on little mtns like Rainier but go higher to true high altitude mtns and you are going to be hurting. Everyone I climb with on a regular basis(5-6 climbers w/ 20-30 years+ experience each) has climbed to at least 23k - 28k and all swear by it as much as I do. It's a not trick for tourons but a effective tool for experienced climbers.
looks like layton removed his posts proclaiming his love for everyone on this thread. and asscowkiss too. Not sure why I remember stupid shit like this.
Dude, I've been looking into going self employed in the next year or so and insurance doesn't have to be as scary as you think if you set the deductable over $1250 or more. If I remember correctly, blue cross was around $115+ a month with coverage to $2 million. 1250,2k,3k or 4k may sound like allot until you need surgery or emergency care. Then it's a drop in the bucket. Also, my uncle is a doc and always has made sure I know the horror stories of the piss poor treatment uninsured people get in hospitals. You are really gambling with your life w/o insurance. You might be able to get even better rates by ivestigating abit more. I carried a blue cross policy in my 20's that was only $55 but that was a while ago. Not trying to be preachy. Insurance costs suck... but not having insurance and proper medical care when you really need it sucks even worse.
there is a god but unfortunately he is a dick.
About the same lead I give bald eagles and spotted owls. It's taken a few years of practice though... the first year I missed entirely. the second year I shot out that fat,jolly fuck's runner on his sleigh. This year I finally got one of those methane producing, flying mules of his. Not bad eating, by the way. Next year, I'm gonna shoot off Rudolf's gay little red nose.
nice blend...
Thanks, guys. I'll try all that stuff, for sure. I've noticed it seems to pull images from the captions below allot but sometimes it's a real mystery how they found that image. gotta love google images for mountain porn... http://images.google.com/images?q=cirque+of+the+towers&hl=en
I'm pretty clueless on websites and google but I've been working on my first website for about a month now w/ dreamweaver... If someone does a google search on say "Wind Rivers" then what would I put on the page or image so my pictures would show up in that search? What/ where does it look for this info? Does it pull from content on the page? keywords/meta tags on the page? the actual filename like "windriverspic1.jpg"? Thanks, Clueless in Colorado
"Jihad! Ji-Hottie!!!" Her eyes are scary dead though. (from pics in the video) If it's true about the paid photo shoot then all I have to say is : and Fuck Osama and Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Spreading my own kind of Christmas cheer to everyone... Smoke and Sleighbells Santa might be a little late this year. little children.
personally, I believe the much debated nalgene is his office pee bottle.
or even more his speed...just rent a condo in Breck and go shopping for a new ski outfit in town everyday for a week or so. And you would'nt look like a total f'ing bubbleboy loser at work too.
a stunning resume
kind of looks like a polar bear getting a blow job from another polar bear. could be sabertooths giving head too. tough call.
tomtom... doh!!! I was thinking of the gamow bag. I'm no expert on rich boy toys.
The sad thing is he did all this for a 17k mexican volcano slog... I'd like to know the final bill for this thing. 3 weeks of 0's too...wow
Yeah, DHL sucks. We just gave them a chance on all our international shipments due to the good pricing they gave us. However, packages and letters have been taking over 10 days that used to take 2-3 days with UPS from China and Vietnam. We've already largely switched back to UPS. The only good thing is that they have not charged us for a single slow shipment(every one of them). So it's been free for us too but painfully slow service. I should add that the free shipping is due to us bitching and them wanting our account in a very big way. Not normal policy for them,for sure. Also, as for pricing, I recently did a rate quote to get a big box of my gear to Kathmandu and they were $100 over UPS and Fedex quotes. Clowns and a waste of time.
i googled "angelina before and after"...looks like she's had allot more than just lips...that nose/face structure looks pretty different too. but who the hell cares? she's hot and needs a spanking by griz.
I've heard that exact thing too. I believe it. wow. are you guys really serious? two clueless wanks ,if so.
Freshman year of college I pulled an all nighter and didn't eat for around 16 hrs... I went to Biology 101 in the AM and passed out cold during a movie on human reproduction. Woke up on the floor with the professor trying to rouse me to consciousness and in a puddle of blood as I bounced my chin off the floor. Campus Security came and took me to the hospital. Seven stitches. I challenge you to find the dignity there.
- RIGHT click on the image - click on "properties" then cut and paste the URL that shows. -When posting, click on "image" by all the greamlins and paste the URL when prompted. Hey , Frieh, how many categories you gonna make up?