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Everything posted by griz

  1. How serious of a cut counts? Just ones needing stitches or less than that?
  2. The name tags take some of the fun out of it...
  3. griz

    Last Time

    Was that not a joke? Was that not clear, that the intention was to make a joke? I thought it was pretty clear that you were joking around but I also felt pretty good about clicking a few of these : and a few of these : as a response. Pretty lame post on your part, for sure, but getting banned seems harsh.
  4. Ahh, it all makes sense now for that ball grabbing, chest beating post... he's drunk... Cheers, Will!
  5. My funniest brush was seeing Bob Barker get off a plane in Baltimore and REALLY enjoying all the attention. I think I was ten at the time... I've always thought the coolest brush I had ever heard about was when my friend went surfing with Yvon Chouinard.
  6. Hope it helps you out. No worries about the beer, I live in CO these days. Good luck with the research.
  7. griz

    Part Man Part Snaffle

    I'm sure nobody will argue that point...
  8. griz

    Part Man Part Snaffle

    Hmmm... the similarity in humor is striking none the less to some epic threads he took part in a while back... Judging by your snappy comeback, was that trip with your grandmother last week?
  9. griz

    Part Man Part Snaffle

    Are you related to Dan Larson?
  10. griz

    Part Man Part Snaffle

    That's what L.granite's girlfriend said, too...
  11. B. Washburn Boston Museum of Science science park boston,ma 02114 #617-589-0228
  12. This thread reeks of
  13. huh?
  14. griz

    Silent Spray Vigil

  15. griz

    cc.com is for pussies

    BTW, the locked thread is: silverton is beyond sick!!! just in case anyone wants to read it and explain to me why it was locked?
  16. griz

    cc.com is for pussies

    Yeah, i don't get that one either. VERY WEAK if other people were still wanting to post on it. It's not like the thread was getting out of control or anything, for sure. A little wandering off the initial topic but conversations do that, ya know? To whoever locked the thread before it was dead...
  17. griz

    Silent Spray Vigil

  18. And the weekend after that... and the weekend after that.... and the weekend after that... and then the weekend after that... and the weekend after that... and the weekend after that... and then the weekend after that.... Sorry guys... just too rich of a target. In all fairness, I do miss Mt. Rainier and Baker.
  19. Good cause, for sure. How are you getting it to let you click more than once a day though? What's the scam I'm missing?
  20. Arlen... and great point! Sure allot of people would want to read Bill Gates's email or Allen Greenspan's 'cuz with some inside info you could make a ton of money or stuff like that... but if some pathetic soul wants to read my dumb email to a friend about me freezing my ass off yesterday going up to Chasm Lake then god help them and get a frickin' life... Another dumb example of privacy(or lack there of but... who cares?) is that Safeway could tell me what I've eaten for the past seven years 'cuz I use one of those cards to save a few bucks each week. It's weird but I really don't see any big picture evil in someone else's knowledge that I like grapes. Credit cards? Who gives a shit about buying online? If anything weird shows on your bill then you cancel your card and the cc company foots the bill. Use common sense and caution but basically...big deal. I had some online porn bills show up once on a statement and they just gave me a new card and apologized for the problem. BFD. It is abit weird that your life has a paper trail but the speed and ease that we can buy and communicate now is a too big a plus for someone like me. The bottom line is do you want to go back getting paid w/ gold dust and sending letters w/ waxed seals on them? Our funds and communication are more secure than ever really if you look at that way.
  21. Yeah, that sums it up perfectly. Just remember, some of us do get dirty here and hate those fucks as much as you do.
  22. Yoy... The 'tude sucks at times in Boulder , for sure, but the outdoor fun factor makes up for it. And if you've got a good group of friends to hang and climb w/ then who gives a shit? Screw the minority of snobbish asses, ya know? It's not like the NW is exempt either,for sure. I sure ran into my share of asses on Rainier, other peaks and absolutely on this website... Most people here in CO are laid back and fun anyway-ignore the rest. But some people(like me) get allot out of being able to get off work(an actual real job-something tough to find in 95% of the other outdoor playground towns but not so tough here), walk to Chatauqua park and jog up the 3rd Flatiron for some quick excercise/ fun or go kayaking or whatever, ya know? It's a nice but not perfect place to live and most people take pride in living here. I've never really run into the "One time in band camp,..." mentality for Boulder honestly but I'm sure it exsists. If everyone here offended you then you were probably the one sportin' the 'tude, for sure.
  23. "Boy, this whole thread is getting a bit heated."-bgoat Yeah,right...I'm laughing my ass off...! "Truth is if you're skiing anywhere past early July then you're a skiing geek and should be out rock climbing with RuMR " No way,AlpineK! There is such a narrow window of bikini clad ski bunnies that it is tough to miss their annual migration down the slopes and into the local bars... JayB- Yeah, you are not the only one to notice the lack of running lifts when the real ski season gets rolling...yoy. Most of them follow the market, not the snow.
  24. Let me amend that last remark: Happy Turkey Day, people. Alpine K... feel free to ski into a crevasse on Rainier...
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