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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Interesting stuff: http://publications.americanalpineclub.org/articles/13201212568/Danger-Zones-Mt-Rainier
  2. I don't even have the internet man. Someone else is posting this for me.
  3. I don't even...
  4. [video:youtube]xQ_IQS3VKjA
  5. [video:youtube]pD254JDQAJU
  6. this one is my favorite [video:youtube]BPHnT-hkzKo
  7. damn it that vid just ruined my onsite betaless repeat. in fact, just knowing that the route exists ruined it for me. what a rig! would have preferred some death metal with it more though, seems like that would fit better.
  8. If this goes through the terrorists have won.
  9. Someone please tell me this is an Onion article. I supposed to many people taking photographs were wearing out the landscape.
  10. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/govbeat/wp/2014/09/24/u-s-forest-service-wants-to-charge-1500-to-take-photos-on-federal-wild-lands/ $1500 to take photos in Federal Wilderness. Who owns these lands after all? Oh thats right, we do.
  11. Wow... New Caledonia has to be the farthest spot from anywhere for an international competition! How in the heck did the competition end up there? That said, looks like an awesome place to travel to and visit.
  12. Congrats Drew! Where was this one held?
  13. We should be having one in the Seattle area in a bit. We are talking with the AAC NW about doing something jointly.
  14. from what I could tell, there's only one trail leading up toward midnight rock from the top of Castle Rock, and that's the trail I've taken which led me to the ledge. I didn't see another trail, other than the dead-end spur I think I found. Did i miss something obvious? From Castle Rock I have only seen the one trail which ends right at were you would jump on the left side climbs (North Ramp, Nightingale, etc). But if you go up and around at that gully where that trail ends, you can go up and over Midnight and drop down over by the south ramp. I think most people must just go for Easter Overhang or whatever, so maybe there isn't an obvious trail. Probably just bushwacking, I haven't noticed one at least, but i think I remember walking off that way. I have only been up there a couple times, so there are much more better source for this info that post here...
  15. Sorry to hear it Josh, heal up soon buddy!
  16. olyclimber

    Surveyor Needed

    A nod, you know, is as good as a wink to a blind horse.
  17. lol didn't listen as i've had my computer on mute all day. also don't know how i'd feel about climbing up out there and then getting one of these buzzing me.
  18. not mine, just found on the interweb [video:youtube]rj2Jx7AuKnU
  19. olyclimber

    Surveyor Needed

    what about a 1/2 lb bag of Pot Lemon Bars?
  20. Worst as far as I've seen: http://www.westseattleherald.com/2014/09/05/news/west-seattle-couple-burglarized-while-out-climbin
  21. Its easy. Just mirror them off. And then you can pass for a non-perv van. What, are you an amateur Pink?
  22. http://seattle.craigslist.org/tac/cto/4619348597.html do it Colin.
  23. awesome feedback diepj. thank you.
  24. Thanks, Porter! I did read somewhere that you have to take a side trail near an old mine to find the old crash site. And I really appreciate the extra nugget about the waterfall. I hadn't read that anywhere. The kids will love it. Need headlamps to get there safely? Is it safe for kids (10 and 12 years old) to hike back in there? How far back in the mine is it? Its been awhile, but I've done it a couple of times. Definitely want headlamps. As far as being "safe" its an old mine, so I can't guarantee anything. I want to say it goes back at least 100 yards? You'll know when you reach the back because people put their business cards all over the place. I would definitely dare Ulee to go back there. There was these old sheets of metal I held over my head when running through the waterfall. Also visited the old plane wreck a couple times. There are just a few scraps up there. but cool nonetheless. http://exotichikes.com/tubal-cain-and-tull-canyon-trail/
  25. Awesome TR Luke, thanks! Great pictures...gotta love the Mark III, I have abused the hell out of mine and it is still cranking. I haven't frozen it yet though!
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