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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. olyclimber


    Perhaps this is a test. He/She wants to see how you'll respond to the situation. I would advise you to stand your ground and don't give an inch. You may want to handcuff yourself to your ex-employee.
  2. Team Canada! F Ya!
  3. college is for liberal wussies
  4. college is for liberal wussies
  5. Actually, I hear they're going to tear that thing down.
  6. I bet you meet a lot of guys at truck stops, sobo.
  7. I can send Morse Code at 75 wpm farnsworth!
  8. olyclimber


    I can't do this all by myself Squid!
  9. right click>Set As background
  10. olyclimber


    empathy is really the best cure.
  11. olyclimber


    like the little guy on Fantasy Island.
  12. those are latte terms.
  13. when are we all going to get together and go belaying?
  14. everyone know your imaginary friend is a guy, not a girl, klenke
  15. i saw that in a movie once. maybe twice.
  16. archenemy!
  17. Young is a state of mind.
  18. olyclimber


    WTF? Stop lurking!
  19. and be sure to use mercury.
  20. well it isn't exactly earth shattering that the US media is making a circus out of it. people love it when you lose, they love dirty laundry. if you listen to the media outlets that spew that crap, then you're supporting them. Don't.
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