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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. "Damn, that V2 problem at Building 42 is killing me!"
  2. Mr. Gates, during on of his infrequent brain farts.
  3. my son is already corrupted
  4. damn, the door is open foo!
  5. I didn't know beckey knew leet!
  6. i'm in charge of your insecurity
  7. No no. He's being coooooooool. Haven't you heard the latest? He's making a social statement about those that can't type. It's all the rage. All the kids are doing it. "teh" or "t3h" for "the". "Teh" is the seminal and ubiquitous example of the leet letter-transposition construction of words. Also, "teh" can have a different grammatical function than "the", in that it can convert a following word into a noun (e.g. "I am teh r0xx0r.")
  8. come on in
  9. R2D2?
  10. My Feathered Friend, will there be two kegs at this one?
  11. OS/2?
  12. "Cascadeclimbers.com....this looks like an interesting website..."
  13. and in case you were wondering "illiterate" means you can't read.
  14. thanks guys! keep them coming.
  15. olyclimber

    My Real Tree

  16. How you like me now!
  17. Yo, I'm not like that yall, yo.
  18. olyclimber

    My Real Tree

    Lets log the lil bastard! How many board inches it got?
  19. Its a highly lucrative career in the emerging Internet market.
  20. wow! you guys should try out this edit button. you can just edit other people's posts!
  21. I have never had this much fun before. Its like I'm the dungeon master or something! Your 12 sided die won't save you now.
  22. do think they gave leepers to the whole team?
  23. its the climbing hooks that are doing it
  24. Click here and add any climbing related websites you use to the thread. thanks.
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