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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. so what are the instructions?
  2. THE EXCITEMENT!!! but ya, what Mike said. wait till we get things organazized.
  3. so, what is this thread about anyway.
  4. The title on the most view thread in Spray.
  5. what are you looking at?
  7. I use Blarg DSL: http://www.blarg.net/services/qwestdsl/standard
  8. you could even keep your current phone number, not matter where you move to as well.
  9. the line is necessary, but the voice phone service isn't. I haven't checked into how much just the DSL line is, but I think it should be $10-20 + the $ for the DSL Internet connection ($20 with my current provider).
  10. I don't think there is a commitment other than maybe if you use your existing phone number, and you want to go back to POTS, then you might have lag time between the switch over. Also, you've got to put out money to buy the VOIP device(s).
  11. But look at the bright side, you get to burninate things. not everyone gets to do that.
  12. me too in a couple of minutes
  13. Should be able to. If they don't, then dump'em and go with cable. I'm probably going to stick with DSL though. Qwest just owns the line, I use a different ISP for my Internet connection.
  14. I use skype, but I want something to use with my regular phones that I can configure to use local 911, etc.
  15. tell me your troubles Trogdor.
  16. You're looking at it wrong...I thought the same thing initially...but you're just listing the 206 area code. It actually lists Bainbridge.....and Seattle. Look to the right.
  17. this has to be one my all time favorites:
  18. Since it relies on the existance of a working broadband connection, it isn't going be that resiliant in a major disaster...but then perhaps not much will be (maybe a standard, analogue phone line would be more resiliant). Then you'll be glad you got an amateur extra license so you can geek out and CQ CQ. Thinking of the last "event", there was the last earthquake here in Seattle. As I recall, the cellphone networks were effected as everyone tried to call their mom at the same time, not because the network actually went down. The land lines do have an advantage in this respect, because they are more resistant to overloading.
  19. I thought about this, but I have a cellphone and can use that if there is a localized power outage. if that is dead too then there is some major shizzle going on.
  20. Me too. I'm going for it.
  21. I thought it was your new high def plasma.
  22. in 6th grade, after reading the complete Tom Brown survival guide book series, i ventured out into the woods armed only with a pocket knife. the adventure involved killing and eating 4 inch trout minnows, building a lean-to hut, and spending the afternoon unsuccessfully trying to make a fire by rubbing sticks together. i didn't sleep a wink, as it was too cold at night in the lean-to, but some how we survived, thanks to Tom Brown.
  23. olyclimber


    anyone using voice over IP as their only land line? I'm thinking about going with Vonage and getting rid of the landline all together (except for the DSL service of course). That way I could call Dru every night without any long distance costs.
  24. olyclimber

    Dream Job

    I'll do it for $500,000 and a $10,000 signing bonus.
  25. they're in handcuffs
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