a long time ago one of my older brothers was out hunting duck with his dog (out by Forks) and his dog got into it with a cougar. he had this shotgun that would fall apart whenever you shot it, and his dog was losing the fight so he shot the cougar, which only pissed it off and it started coming at him as he tried to put the shotgun back together. it was just a few feet from him when he managed to get it back together, and he dispatch the puss.
he brought the thing back to house, and they put it in the living room. later that night they tied a string to its foot and when my mom walked in they made it move like it was still alive, causing my mom to drop dinner on the floor (a hilarious result!).
It was a pretty big cat, my bro had it made into this big rug (with the head intact, baring its teeth at you) that we had in the family for about 25 years before someone stole it from his house.