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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. olyclimber

    where should I

    no i'll settle this. humans have collectively fouled their own nest (no where more apparent than lovely Tacoma), and turned the earth shit-wasted, rat infested, overpriced, womb-barren, despot-controlled, bumper sticker plastered, grid-locked, smog-stewing collective with no redeeming qualities of which to speak other than the few places that haven't gotten around to strip mining, oil drilling, or logged with no eye to a renewable harvest yet.
  2. olyclimber

    where should I

    damn it...well, look here yourself http://web1.seattle.gov/seastats/doStatistics.aspx
  3. olyclimber

    where should I

    Burien is pretty sweet...went to a friend parents down there that lived right in the flight path. you had to yell every 6th sentence and you could see the dust rising from the shaking...but they were used to it and didn't mind
  4. olyclimber

    where should I

    of course these stats were compiled by the SPD, for what that is worth to ya
  5. olyclimber

    where should I

  6. olyclimber

    where should I

    Homicide. Don't let one "experience" taint the real stats there Jay
  7. olyclimber

    where should I

    Then don't move near the UW or Queen Anne (let alone downtown). West Seattle is looking pretty tame.
  8. olyclimber

    where should I

  9. olyclimber

    where should I

    I can do it pretty consistently from near the Junction to the office park sprawl in the Bothell wetlands. the secret is to get on the road before 7am. I have made it in 1/2 hour with stopping and getting an americano at starbucks! before, but i was speeding that day. West Seattle Freeway > I-5 > I-90 > 405 > Bothell Unfortunately coming home takes longer...45 minutes is my fastest time doing that taking off at 3:30pm. Of course if I leave late (after 7am) then commute can easily take up to an hour or more.
  10. olyclimber

    where should I

    You know Jay, the real problem you have with West Seattle (and Lake City for that matter) is that it is too far way for the hipsters riding the single speed bikes that you adore making fun of, and you're worried that if you loose touch with them they'll adopt some new fashion trend that you'll miss out on making fun of...THATS IT, ISN'T IT!!!??
  11. olyclimber

    where should I

    No...Kent clearly sucks.
  12. olyclimber

    where should I

    Well Jay, maybe if you would grow a few sensory organs and get some feelings receptors out there you could figure this out!!! But until then you're just going to have to take it from better informed people that you are unquestionably wrong, OK?
  13. olyclimber

    where should I

    Yeah? Well fuck off Mark!
  14. olyclimber

    where should I

    1/2 hour to bothell (the worst commute i can think of, which i currently do) you can get just as fuckered in traffic if you lived in say...Madison Park. Also it depends on where you're commuting to. Not everyone works downtown. But if you do, the bike ride isn't any different then if you lived in Ballard. Anyway, I'm just kidding you. West Seattle sucks.
  15. olyclimber

    where should I

    Lake City Way = Home of My Best Friend Expresso
  16. olyclimber

    where should I

    WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM??? The west side is the best side. We have Alki Beach, some of the best restaurants, Discovery Park, Husky Deli, Easy Street Records, etc. Face it Jay, you just want to overpay for a house, don't you? The WSB is only a cluster during rush hour, but I guess that is the only time you want to drive on it? And you don't think you can't get stuck in a traffic jam anywhere else in this cesspool? Man Jay, the East Coast attitude you're packing really stinks!
  17. olyclimber

    where should I

    nice hyperbole there Jay. i'm lost as to how people living in West Seattle can even subsist out there! they must be raising thier own crops and bartering. I'm pretty sure they don't use US currency because it is basically worthless in that land.
  18. olyclimber

    where should I

    Do not consider West Seattle unless you are well off and cultured and can bring a cute girlfriend or wife. If not then you can live anywhere else in the cesspool. Jays list is rubbish, those are the cool places to live. Just look at his choice of where to live....the East Coast. It really speaks volumes about his taste.
  19. it could be used to skeet shoot at the pop fly contest
  21. Nice! How much does pizza cost at basecamp?
  22. "the more the merrier"
  23. Do you mean it doesn't have the olders TRs for those forums? Currently you can search and it does add them. If you mean a way to add older TRs existing in those forums to the database, then yeah, that is something we are working on.
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