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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. the correct answer to that is pretty apparent to most on this board. but like other facts that are apparent to most, you apparently missed the boat. i'll leave that to you to figure out along with the economic data you should be re-examining.
  2. then I can only laugh at you. but I don't laugh out of malice.
  3. Your "facts" are tainted and one-sided, par for the course from your political comrades. Answer the questions: 1. Why did you insult me? 2. Do you dispute the statement Bush has left the country worse off than Clinton did?
  4. At least we can count on the housing market to pull us through. Speaking of which, anyone pull the trigger on the new house next door? Still vacant. The price is still too high, even for the robust Seattle housing market. I think the guy did not make a very good investment in how much he paid for the lot + the type of house it is+ how it is situated. Its pretty funny, asking for more than 3/4 million for a "Rearview Window" picture window view (literally like 15 feet or less from the big picture windows right when you walk in the door) of the neighbors decrepit deck complete with old refrigerator and washing machine rusting on it. They even hired a new real estate company which outfitted it with furnishings, but so far the polished turd has not sold.
  5. At least we can count on the housing market to pull us through. Speaking of which, anyone pull the trigger on the new house next door? OMG, Porter, a recession??? that should never ever happen. I mean, never ever. It's called a business *cycle* for a reason, Porter-hole. And yes, Clinton gifted Bush with one two. Short memory or selective memory? I find it very strange that you insist on insulting me (WTF, "Porter-hole"?) Is there something wrong with you? I did not insult you, merely pointing out a fact: Bush will leave the country in a fiscal mess. Do you dispute that? Clinton left Bush a far better position than Bush will leave his successor.
  6. Whomever is elected, Bush will be able to give them an excellent inaugural gift! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22476544/
  7. Dude, Gore was a total moron - at every debate and every appearance and speech. But hey, if you want to sniff two pieces of shit and claim one smells better, all the power to you. Sounds like you've done that yourself. Gore actually has a command of the English language.
  8. If one were to select the all time worst Presidential orator, the choice would be clear.
  9. listen to some tapes of Teddie Roosevelt, or FDR, or Truman, JFK, etc. yes, we've dropped to the lowest common denominator. the royal we has perhaps. i didn't vote for bush, did you?
  10. I'll just sit it out if either Hukabee or Romney are the nominee. (I think Hukabee is the Howard Dean of the Republican field this round.) I'll plug my nose and vote Guliani if I have to, but I stand by my month's old belief that the finalist will be my favorite; McCain. Under no circumstances will I vote for one of the kook/whack-job Democrats. I'm also hoping that I have the opportunity to vote for McCain. i believe today is an important day for mccain, with the god vote to being less of a factor in NH.
  11. toilet paper and old harnesses
  12. there was a clip on the radio today where they played sound clips of all the current major presidential candidates so you could guess which voice went to which person....and I heard one and was surprised by the tenor of a african american voice! yes, there is a black man running for president! i forgot it was so.
  13. comparing reagan's orating skillz to the current prez makes me weep
  14. anything is possible if you know how to dream
  15. hahahhahahaahahaaaaaa http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080103/NEWS01/801030394/1311/48HOURS
  16. that is "too" comrade.
  17. Actually, you can all suck it. I'm right, you are wrong. I am so much more intelligent than you, and there are factual mistakes in what you are saying.
  18. More presidential candidate phun: y2iFhGtKO-Q
  19. we got some real drama queens on this board
  20. http://archives.seattletimes.nwsource.com/cgi-bin/texis.cgi/web/vortex/display?slug=snowmobiler03m&date=20080103&query=avalanche
  21. one child development theory is not to call the child "bad" or "good", but rather assign such connotations to their actions instead. lol.
  22. We'll get them from the printers here in a week or two. I'll can mail them out, but would definitely be interested in unveiling them at a pubclub were you can pick yours up at.
  23. Guns don't kill people. People kill people.
  24. the human organism evolves to the most efficient model of course. socialism is simply inefficient and is against human nature, thats why it is dying out. if we can find a way around ethics, humankind will be perfected into the perfect beast.
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