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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. looks like someone left the woman turned on...
  2. Xh8HrQu3HgY
  3. olyclimber

    on the way

  4. olyclimber

    on the way

  5. olyclimber

    on the way

    you'd have to watch this on an iphone to really appreciate it WzY89785sNg
  6. olyclimber

    on the way

  7. olyclimber

    spray couples

  8. olyclimber


    Likely story. First they would taser the hell of him and the woman who called in to report him, till they confessed. Then they forced them to chop up the wood and load it into their trucks, while planting a dimebag in the wood for evidence.
  9. And DO NOT try the tacos at Taco Bell. They are simply atrocious. They have taken Mexican food to a new low.
  10. Tempest!
  11. holy crap..remembering these games....zaxxon was a fun one
  12. i used to play this game back in the 80s at the store...a 25cent arcade game...basically you fired down this 3 dimensional line drawing at these things flipping up at you. what was the title?
  13. olyclimber

    Pizza Hut

  14. olyclimber

    Gorberment Ad

    weird to compare this ad to what our Government asks us to do these days....
  15. olyclimber


    so you were the doctor??????
  16. i'm suprised crotch zippers aren't on the Paris runways...there is obvious sex appeal to them...but the obvious utilitarian nature as mentioned above definitely puts them over the top.
  17. olyclimber


    Democrats replace Diebold machines with slot machines!
  18. olyclimber


    when it works. of course you'd have to have an ant brain for that to happen. xQERRbU23bU
  19. olyclimber


  20. olyclimber


    well the doc should know that abnormal violence can happen as a result of a head injury. its well documented that people, after a head injury, and sometimes become violent. so its all good.
  21. thanks for the post Pitts and welcome to cc.com. glad you guys are ok.
  22. this is why i mention lithium batteries above
  23. You are such a drama queen peter sickie
  24. olyclimber

    good new books

    not a new book, but Blood Meridian, Cormac McCarthy.
  25. olyclimber


    still can't stop. love it when he starts eating the seat cushion
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