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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. ex: F5ARkEhuHXg cool looking, but why?
  2. when did they install the giant letters?
  3. just use bootcamp, you can run windows natively (not virtualization slow down)
  4. I work in IT and switched over to mac a while ago. i would not go back to a PC, unless to dabble with an Asus EEE or the like. I have a 15" mbp, and i run both ubuntu and xp in using parallels, but not really as I just use those OSs to test with. ok there might be one windows app that i need. RTFM on the mouse, you can use a two button mouse with a mac, its just that apple doesn't make one..i use a kensington bluetooth (i don't like using a touchpad on any system). you can do limited "multitouch" with macbook touch pad though. i have found good a OSX app for just about everything. you also then get to join the mac fanboi club, which is an interesting subculture of society. basically you pray to steve jobs hoping that he will deliver fresh aesthetic toys to you quarterly, and just *HOPE* he allows you to use Timemachine with your AirportExtreme (i mean fully, not that hacked wack way). you also get to scoff and windows users and in general act superior to non-mac users. this part makes it all worth the "apple premium". they are nice systems, i'll buy another macbook pro to replace this one when it croaks. i bought it with minimum specs and upgraded the RAM and HD myself down the road as apple charges way to much for upgrades. i just put a 320gig HD in last night w00t! of course you could always just build a PC and run OSX http://lifehacker.com/software/hack-attack/build-a-hackintosh-mac-for-under-800-321913.php
  5. "HELLO WALL"... Face it Porter, you are just B O R I N G... even GashwithWarts is more "entertaining" (in a derisive way) than you... where is that fat fuck bag anyway? Prolly out lingerie shopping for his folds... well it may have been my oily discharges. actually i think you're all just on cruise control. afterall, its friday.
  6. I had this full length mirror installed so I can have conversations now.
  7. FAIL http://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/main.jhtml?xml=/money/2008/01/25/ccrogue125.xml
  8. garmin foretrex 101 for great justice
  9. Dude could have paid for almost 1/2 the war on Iraq with what he was gambling
  10. i mean the bank's market capitalization was only 35.9 billion euros! only! impressive.
  11. thanks, i'll have to try those parenting tips out sometime.
  12. say it. "tens of billions and billions of euros". no...not dollars...euros.
  13. OQJNxXk8ZHU the guy took a pretty tough art to express himself with
  15. Or maybe he is too busy gambling BILLIONS and BILLION OF TENS OF EUROS????
  16. just speculate on his motives. thats all i'm asking here.
  17. What is so interesting is that this wasn't the guys job function...he totally figured out the access and then played poker with billion and billions sagan> with "several tens of billions of euros". Ladies and Gentlemen, thats a lot of money. and he lost, and apparently didn't stand to gain if he won.
  18. i'm serious. that is now the new topic. if you don't like it go to another thread.
  19. how come we aren't talking about this dude: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22839323/ imagine being in his shoes....OOOOOOOOPPPSSS!! There goes 7 bill.
  20. that is an excellent question. it begs repeating....where IS your shirt? its right here, safe with me. i just proposed a pubclub, maybe you can make it?
  21. Lets do it. Its early to call it, but Dave Shuldtz hasn't been keeping office hours lately, so would like to propose a pubclub so that some of you can pick up your shirts so I don't have to mail them. I just want to see the expression on the face. When you get the shirt, and you put it on. How it makes you feel inside, especially at first. other entertainment could include drinking beer and gossiping the way only climbers and gnargar specialists can. So let me hear it. One place that is definitely out is the Latona, I know some of you like it, but I got poor service there last time. How about some place on Phinney Ridge, Freelard, or even the ole Sloop. next tuesday. sincerely, your neighborhood shirt slinger, olyclimber
  22. Graham (owner of Cilo) is at the Outdoor Gear expo in Utah this week. I'm VERY sure he'll help you out when he returns (and when he reads this post, as he posts here)
  23. CaQyxoXl1sA
  24. Not familiar with this guy myself, maybe some of you are: http://origin.sltrib.com/ci_8045058
  25. RonPaul4Lyfe!
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