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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. olyclimber


    i understand that some people don't care for classical music either .
  2. olyclimber

    Facebook Sucks

    funny, i used the name drew! lets see who has more friendz...it is the true measure of a man after all.
  3. olyclimber


    don't be a negative nelly. you'd look just fine. besides, little kids look smarter even when they're not beating you at wii sports. i don't know how they pull it off.
  4. olyclimber


    peter you ought to stop by and play ulee at wii baseball. he will CRUSH you.
  5. olyclimber


    its a fact that that is a rumor!
  6. olyclimber


    gee willikers peter, we have a lot of haters on the site, huh? it would be keen if some got a new attitude.
  7. olyclimber


    i'm looking forward to the season, and i wish i had your optimism peter...they should get this deal done for the pitcher...and then after that at least one more move...then they'll have a team.
  8. olyclimber

    Facebook Sucks

    it is true...there are databases out there that have more info about you could believe, and they are unregulated (unlike the healthcare industry for ex. )
  9. olyclimber


  10. as we rely on one another, uh uh
  11. :cry: STOP IT seriously we have to go roller skating now. pub club in march i will be up there at the end of the month. do they have beer at the roller rink? when i think of rollerskates i think of.... i love rock and roll, so put another dime in the jukebox baby
  12. you're going to have to be more specific than that
  13. how could we go wrong?
  14. sail away with me, to another world
  15. islands in the stream, that is what we are
  16. olyclimber

    Ron Paul

    Dechristo, you sound like you're channeling JayB!!!!!
  17. i can't get it out of my mind either!
  18. or rather pink has thought of new possiblities
  19. i've heard the father complex thing can be strong
  20. it could be worse. he might be 41 AND not satisfying.
  21. olyclimber

    Ron Paul

    i think Ron Paul's message is/was about change...way more than Hillary and Obama can claim...if there is one candidate that represents radical change it would be Paul. Perhaps things are so bad that some (even progs and libs) would grasp for such a straw. i just think it is good to have him in the republican debates. he was asking some good questions of front runners that took thought to answer rather than just some mumbojumbo campaign speak.
  22. is the leather REAL?????
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