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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. olyclimber


    This: http://www.nikon.co.jp/main/eng/feelnikon/discovery/universcale/nano.swf reminds one of this: http://users.nac.net/thegangof4/blackSaturn/mandelbrot/msvHigh.htm
  2. olyclimber


    You're probably right Mr. Pine. I listened to him speak after SC and he basically said he was in it for the long haul with an eye on using his backing to influence....this is quite a change so he must have found a way (such as endorsement in exchange for the vp slot)
  3. olyclimber


    Well I suspect that Edwards is saavy enough to know that he is in a powerful place in a close Democratic primary...and may use his endorsement as collateral for being VP.
  4. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :moondance: Keepin the love alive seconded. keep the love!
  5. olyclimber


    the article was really wasn't about politics, fyi. it was about privacy and how we are losing it. but go on and make it political if that makes you happy.
  6. olyclimber


  7. its a general lack of creativity
  8. the greatest love of all
  9. i thought this thread was going to be something special.
  10. you know what would be a great idea: a search engine you could use to search for pictures on the internet.
  11. funny how you just happened to have a pic of a bowl of dicks handy there hugh
  12. Hugh!
  13. still don't get it, do you hugh?
  14. i seems like reusing books, rather than reading them once and then throwing them away would also help the environment.
  15. Let me explain: this is a joke. obviously the solution already exists: the public library system. librarys let you borrow books and then return them. get it?????
  16. damn it people this is supposed to be a joke!
  17. exactly! like a video store for books!
  18. olyclimber


    cmNCALGHOC4 Obama's response to the state of the union. he should really consider another teleprompting method so it isn't so obvious he is reading.
  19. you're either with us or against us
  20. http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/pfp.asp?ean=9780385517508&z=y
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