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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. olyclimber

    Berkeley Police

    well they won't know their politics unless that information is gathered and tabulated by homeland security. maybe we can have some sort of national id barcode tattoo system to determine proper firefighter coverage based on if you paid for your firefighter coverage or not.
  2. olyclimber

    Berkeley Police

    Jay you still haven't clearly laid out what local Berkley ordinance the policemen should be enforcing. once that is determined, then we can figure out how outraged you should be.
  3. olyclimber

    Berkeley Police

    well shouldn't homeland security be involved dealing with these terrorists?
  4. it should be interesting the see the content coming from the writers minds after stewing for however long that was.
  5. olyclimber

    Berkeley Police

    it would definitely complete the protesters ensemble to be waterboarded!
  6. olyclimber

    Berkeley Police

    i'm sure there has to be at least a fire code ordinance that should be enforced in this case.
  7. olyclimber

    Berkeley Police

    what about euthanasia gary. do you support that?
  8. olyclimber

    Berkeley Police

    support our armed forces!
  9. olyclimber

    Berkeley Police

    well jay, while it certainly seems like a disagreeable situation, but shouldn't you at least be aware of the law (local ordinances) before you start cop bashing.
  10. olyclimber


  11. as long as the cousin isn't the same sex. that would be an illegal marriage.
  12. i skipped class on that day. i expect a written apology from everyone who voted for W.
  13. taxes are fine right now - no need to lower them more. and NO NEED to raise them. let's try and actually work within a budget for a change i don't understand...thought the country is being led by a conservative???? what is this about the budget?
  14. which is going straight to my recently eviscerated retirement fund. isn't the stock market only supposed to go up? no wonder the economy is in the toilet. you aren't following our government's example on how to spend. you're whats wrong with america, and you're letting the terrorists win.
  15. if they really wanted to stimulate the economy, i don't understand why they didn't give the top %1 a tax break and the money would just trickle down. well, once they figure out that the $600 commie thing isn't going work, i hope thats what they do. arch, you're a %1'er, aren't you? your money can trickle down to some southern whiskey maker employee who will give some to his poor hayseed cousin. economy fixed.
  16. well someone thinks they need to bail you out! these communist thinkers are sending your $600 come june or july or whatever. fucking commie government.
  17. I enjoy living beyond my means. I like pretending I'm the federal government, and I'm fighting my own personal war on terror. The terror of not having the trendy expensive consumer items!
  18. and of course the whole michigan/florida thing...things could be totally different right now.
  19. i don't know that hillary is a lock in those states...things seem to be a bit fluid right now, who knows. true the demographic favors hillary, but momentum seems to be a factor at this point.
  20. Does it really have "EXTREME" in big letters on the wrist like that?
  21. http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid353515028?bctid=416343938
  22. Wow, Huck made up some ground on McCain tonight...it could be a sweep just like Obama. I guess McCain just isn't conservative enough.
  23. are you looking at these results? at least here in Washington (and Nebraska) the results are not that positive for Clinton. Bush II is out the door, and while there has been some talk of Jeb running, something tells me a candidate with the last name of Bush will not be winning again in my life time.
  24. wow, Huckabee is giving McCain a run for his money here. any Repubs that post here voting for Huck?
  25. http://www.wa-democrats.org/index.php?page=display&id=272
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