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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. thats a sadistic looking list! be sure to take a lot of pictures to share!
  2. thats not really the question. the place for personal vendettas is not the climbers board. Photo from the gallery (will strickland)
  3. that's a good idea goatboy, but right now we are just concentrated on finding the printer and working out how much these things are going to cost! i'm with you, i want to do this as a quality print.
  4. What happened was I got sick of Pink's insistence on poking at John F on every opportunity. Anyway, play on! (from the gallery, pic by 'castlecrag')
  5. heh sorry i was not clear. it is possible right now. click on the icon in a post window...to the right of the camera icon (the same for posting a youtube or other video). i added this feature. you can see my faceboo video above, and i used this functionality to add it.
  6. thank you. i'll take that crown. do you have an pics of the wide stuff at Yose?
  8. Offwidth climbing is REALLY SWELL.
  9. We are still looking for printing services for this. If anyone knows an offset printer that might be willing to cut us a deal (this is an Index LTW charity fund raiser), let me know via PM. If we can do offset, what yall will order will be a higher quality product (like you might want to frame it). Otherwise we may go with a cheaper printing option to keep the cost down. I'd rather do offset! thanks!
  10. love that gossip track. heard it first last time you linked it. embedding disabled on that one fyi
  11. that there is purty
  12. the album is NSFW, but my broham in the great white north linked me this track:
  13. olyclimber

    Funky Forest

    [video:youtube]ZUjA6gtYdmw has anyone here seen this fine film?
  14. so you just burned the boil right off?
  15. that could have been a sweet maggot farm. an excellent source of protein.
  16. check out these dumbass libs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neoliberalism typical lib BS
  17. olyclimber

    Bella Coola KFC

  18. olyclimber

    Bella Coola KFC

    i can only see the evil of mankind, bunched and ready to explode
  19. green beckey says 67 climbed Glacier Peak on August 26, 1921. F'ing Mounties!
  20. [video:youtube]w1FeEezee4s
  21. [video:youtube]pHdPtlIeJYQ
  22. [video:youtube]-jBrbPnnhqg
  23. If you qoute the person you're responding to it makes it look less like you're talking to yourself. and believe me, i'm an expert at carrying on conversation with myself.
  24. "HIS NAME" would be a great name for a brand of very expensive high fashion jeans. "i did it in his names" would be their slogan
  25. olyclimber

    The Easy Way Up

    dispproves this song: [video:youtube]slXcHNHEOqg
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