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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. pink is that your daughter? lulz
  2. olyclimber


    i'm pretty sure then she pickled him with an apple in his mouth after that.
  3. olyclimber


    that is the quintessential XKCD
  4. i suspect those won't be as popular as that poster
  5. Tommorrow. WCC Kickoff!
  6. Perhaps I'll have to find time to get to this one.
  7. Steph, we'll need to be sure that we mention that the WCC Fundraiser bit would be out with a NPS deal (unless they decide they want to do it!). But no worries. We're going to have a way for you to contribute at Sausagefest to keep Index climbing accessible on the Lower Town Wall if you so desire.
  8. sounds like the deal with the Park might be exclusive. it depends on that, I guess. we have people that could do it here, if we get that opportunity.
  9. Peter do you have an adequate moat around your house yet?
  10. well to live is to sin? so why blame it on sponsorship specifically? aren't we supposed to let he who threw the first stone have the brunt of our criticism next?
  11. that is an interesting animation. these people compile the data: Source: BLS and state labor agencies (via Moody's Analytics), TIP Strategies so Peter, how accurate is this forecast?
  12. Sometimes I like to take a break from analyzing information and just step back and admire the beauty of data in graph form.
  13. olyclimber


  14. olyclimber


    someone make me a sandwich
  15. analysis: DC growing during a Democratic presidency??? LULZ! To counter this you have two hotbeds of conservative entrepreneurship, Phoenix and Las Vegas growing. More jobs moving to Florida and California? My guess is that they are all illegals. And Chicago is losing jorbs? What up with that???? So much for that conspiracy theory. No one can afford to live\work in SF anymore.
  16. i don't know how to read.
  17. [video:youtube]ipZ67blyPMk
  18. [video:youtube]wI6UONWCq7A
  19. i thought it was gonna be a porn based on the opening music.
  20. will a Walmart pup tent fit in one of those?
  21. olyclimber

    Reporting Bugs

    its much harder to do using OS390
  22. i have a balloon with a box for you!
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