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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. no but maybe we could get a decent settlement afterwards if we promise not to talk about it?
  2. Cain is the clear victim here. We just need to figure out who to blame.
  3. are we talking about consenting adults? or is it unwanted advances? these are the choices the american people care about!
  4. Count De Crisco you greasy mutha
  5. but it's the NY TIMES! You have to tweak the parameters pretty far for Bachman to win, but whatever, Porter. you trust the libturd media? WAKE UP SHEEPLE!
  6. not that i think that 'barry' has a lock on things...the past has shown that things can swing wildly in either direction as election day gets closer.
  7. Are you serious? He has a 43% approval rating, we have 9% unemployment and most importantly, the election is still a year out. Yeah, but look who the GOP is trying to get to run against him. Cain? Perry? ARE YOU SERIOUS??? I actually think the GOP *wants* obama to win. He gives the republicans everything they want, and a republican president would only unite a democratic opposition, which is currently still licking Obama's palm. Obama staying in office is the best possible thing that could happen to the GOP. (and the banks) Follow the link I posted. Tweak Barry's approval rating. Tweak economic growth. Even Cain could win according to that model. that model is missing so many factors it is pretty much worthless. but it does have neat little sliders and stuff. but that it considers bachmann to be electable sort of proves how worthless it is.
  8. Nor did they list Ross Perot!
  9. Ron who?
  10. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Horse_Prophecy
  11. “Joseph Smith, the prophet, was inspired to affirm and ratify this truth, and he further predicted that the time would come, when the Constitution of our country would hang as it were by a thread, and that the Latter-day Saints above all other people in the world would come to the rescue of that great and glorious palladium of our liberty”
  12. who will be the FIRST MORMON PRESIDENT????
  13. I'm glad you finally came out of the closet for Karger! I'm pretty sure he would razz the White House and build a log cabin in its place if elected.
  14. What about Fred Karger? Do you think he has a chance?
  15. lets get back on track here. the field of Republican candidates: awesome or too awesome?
  16. http://www.dailytech.com/Digital+Black+Friday+First+Bitcoin+Depression+Hits/article21877.htm it seems neat, but the whole thing seems like a house of cards. check the number of viruses/trojans that steal bitcoins. but who knows, maybe it will end up working.
  17. [video:youtube]PKfD8d3XJok
  18. Well the only clear thing here is that Pete H is gay. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
  19. [video:youtube]FuDVaWtNIpM sickie
  20. ya but it is the "sporting life"
  21. Wow, I guess she wasn't satisfied with just doing country music!
  22. [video:youtube]4BsLQwnw6y0
  23. wake up sheeple
  24. [video:youtube]wo09Lvhqs3g
  25. [video:youtube]d7GfPEtyQsE just remembered this! you see, this is the sort of thing I like about McCain. GETTING ALL MAVERICKY UP IN THIS SHITE!!!
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