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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Stevens has been putting in downhill mountain biking all this year. http://stevensbikepark.com/
  2. http://openchannel.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/11/19/8884405-lobbying-firms-memo-spells-out-plan-to-undermine-occupy-wall-street
  3. yeah. the mormons OWN that shit. can you feel the history of the Mormons??? like yesterday.
  4. I honestly don't think you can go much further than this. if a person has more endurance, they might do more, but without assistance I don't how much more the human form can do. of course I can't wait for humans to prove how wrong I am. I don' think this is "speed climbing". This is climbing without being weighted down with the things that a rational person might bring (say a sleeping bag or a bivy sack). Yes is its faster because they leave that behind, but to call it "speed climbing" isn't it either. its fucking awesome, ballsy, and stupid all at the same time. does this further climbing? yes it does.
  5. Probably not...but who knows: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/businesstechnology/2016797021_stevens19.html
  6. http://www.humanedgetech.com/expedition/kellogg3/ Chad and Dave...
  7. http://news.yahoo.com/next-financial-crisis-hellish-way-204303737.html
  8. there is only foreboding. why do you need anything else?
  9. here you go Crisco [video:youtube]jEYG-qIv34o
  10. this is what humans were born for. to generate output. i hate it when the cogs on the gears of a machine get sticky. they need to design a better machine so that doesn't happen.
  11. [video:youtube]C2EhFEs2hj4
  12. [video:youtube]7qQzas739ic
  13. [video:youtube]ONzYMVrhTyk
  14. [video:youtube]Hh5ni5L-MSc
  15. [video:youtube]KDdTpVrcNvQ
  16. [video:youtube]ZyZ4z662v5w
  17. lacquer heads
  18. Be careful folks. Heed the forecasts and take advantage of what the NWAC has to offer!
  19. olyclimber

    Ron Paul

    well aside from the fact i will always and never be cool, i did know they been giving each other the reach around! after all, I KNOW EVERYTHING!
  20. olyclimber

    Ron Paul

    Paul/Nader 2012! [video:youtube]kwIZ4syCFLc
  21. olyclimber

    Ron Paul

    what is "Ron Paul"?
  22. soon only hipster Chinese kids will be able to afford our state run schools! http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2016769522_international15m.html RON PAUL......HALP!!!!!!!!
  23. olyclimber

    Ron Paul

    Who is the nutjob? Do you not believe we need to have a full audit on the Federal Reserve? Only if we can go back to the gold standard. Otherwise, what's the point. He doesn't go far enough in my book. I support a bartering only economy. There should be renaissance faires in every town were you can trade barrels of mead for a milk cow and 2 piglets. The worst thing about Ron Paul is that he doesn't support water boarding! What a pussy!
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