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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Enjoy, freaks:
  2. That's a shame. When you get back in town, come to pub club and I'll buy you a round.
  3. Quebec world champion iceclimbing tower for sale. Low, low price of $120,000.00 (canadian funds?)
  4. Thanks Dutch. Will do. I will gladly excersise my right to my opinion.....but I'm not thanking Bush for it. There are people (like yourself, if you are legit) that would (and are) actually be protecting that right no matter what administration was in power, and I thank them. I'm glad that you got to shake his hand though and that he looked into your eyes! Did you ask him where he was when he went AWOL from the National Guard?
  5. Why isn't he wearing his little flight suit?
  6. olyclimber

    the duel

    Pure genius.
  7. "I think anybody who doesn't think I'm smart enough to handle the job is underestimating." I think Bush does an excellent job hiding his intelligence, and thus fools the 'liberal elites'.
  8. I think this keg is dry.
  9. The ozone is a myth propogated by the liberal media. Same with global warming, etc. I used to think that this stuff was real, but some people on cc.com schooled me so now I now the real deal. You need to checkout Fox News and get the true story as to what is happening here.
  10. "You have to look at your recreation pursuit to decide if it is worth it."
  11. I would have addressed your points on the article, but you had none. But please, continue to post your BS spray. Cheney needs your support in fouling the nest.
  12. That's why the Dems are putting on a good old fashioned filibuster. The worst provision is one which gives blanket protection from lawsuits to gasoline manufacturers who use MTBE in their formulations. MTBE contaminates water and it's strong smell and taste renders the water undrinkable. MTBE, forced upon the public by ENVIRONMENTALISTS. The same lame-asses who are now trying to sue the manufacturers. A great example of what happens when we let environmental(ist) hysteria get in front of science. Also, Catbird, from what I understand this energy bill is facing bi-partisan opposition. Mcain ® is against it, while Dashle (D) is for it. Nice try though. And as for Cheyney's task force, well, that kind of reminds us of when Hillary's health-care reform task force met in secret for over a year without inviting businesses who were likely going to be asked to foot the bill. Brilliant Fairweather. Next you're going to be telling us that people who actually give a fuck about the environment have no business setting energy policy? And you think that people who are concerned about the environment are lame assed? Suck my exhaust pipe asswipe. When you wake up from your pipe dream you can die with the rest of us on this shit hole planet you and your Republican friends are fouling. Oh ya....I'm a liberal, I'm supposed to be nice. Have a nice day!
  13. FUCK THE LIBERAL ASS KENNEDYS. THE SOONER THEY GET OUT OF AMERICAN POLITICS THE BETTER FOR THEM AND US. MAYBE THEY WOULDN'T HAVE SUCH BAD LUCK IF THEY GOT OUT. MY CUBAN FRIENDS DON'T LIKE THE KENNEDYS EITHER. Ya...your cuban friends must be lovin the Republicans. Anything to keep the cost of Cuban cigar high, while the rest of the Cuban people suffer. Stick your head back in your ass, I've heard enough. You must be one of those morons who pines for the Reagen era.
  14. then you might want to check this out: Crimes Against Nature Environmentalists shouldn't have any say in energy policy, right? I mean, isn't pollution just an urban legend? On a lighter note, I can't believe the Kennedys are selling that house. It ought to be a museum.
  15. No...Bush is an idiot, not a tyrant.
  16. Look to your heart. It has all the answers:
  17. olyclimber

    General Clark

    I don't trust Clark, he probably is a liar...but I don't have any proof. GW isn't a liar, he is just an idiot and a pawn who is so dumb he actually believes the shit he spouts. So it doesn't count as a lie, even though the stuff he says is BS.
  18. Good idea. We can start a cc.com commune up in Alaska. We drink koolaide and have arguments about bolting whilst harvesting our crops.
  19. I had an apartment on Queene Anne Hill (seattle), and the cat was the reason that we had rats in there once in a while. The cat would drag a half dead rat into the house, and eventually it would come to and start running all over the place.
  20. Hmmm...that sounds like some of the antibolt people here on cc.com
  21. Smooth Criminal
  22. Yes, that is from Brazil. One the best movies of all time.
  23. It's about having a social interaction with someone who pushes you higher then you were....an not about looking at porn in some mag. You can fantasize about climbing all day, but you only get better by doing it. If it takes someone else or it comes from within, climbing porn only puts you in a frame of mind....it doesn't improve your climbing ablility.
  24. I thought this thread was going to have something about someone finding the carcass of some darwin award winner like the guy who strapped himself to a bunch of balloons and shot up into the atmosphere.
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