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Everything posted by mellsbells

  1. You know, Winter, we actually talked about reschedulin' Drew's birthday bash when you got back, but Naaaaaaa. You are going to have tooooo much fun for the all of us, plus we had to do something whilst you were away:)
  2. Ivan- it's drew's birthday:)
  3. Some may have climbed with him, some may have seen him at the PRG, some know and love him:), some not at all, but regardless, we are having a birthday party for him at shred and mel's house this saturday evening (5/5) at 7pm. If you want to come and you don't know where we live, you will have to pm me:) Woot!
  4. Anything for the greater good:)
  5. Hey Sketch, you know that the only reason I am skiing is for you. I can't stand the corn crap:) but since you aren't out there, the balance is off, so we must keep things even:)
  6. It's too flat, plus you shouldn't support them. Ask Winter:)
  7. Pete's Pile is a great place to climb. There are some nice crack climbs with slabs on the side for foot placement. If your really good, there is a climb that some friends swear by called the Guillotine right as you enter the climbing area. I prefer the easier corners a few yards down.
  8. I would do both. I think just climbing as much as you can will help you to be confident and strong, then in turn allow you the time to learn piece placement. If you don't have the strength, then you won't be able to have time to place pieces. This is what I find, anyhow.
  9. I swear by the Boreal Aces, but not sure if they even make them anymore. I can stand on the smallest nub in these. They are somewhat flexible as well.
  10. REI does suck, and the bitches that work there are whores:) Literally.
  11. Here's my scenic entry...shred in the bugaboos up at applebees:) Trying to find good weather.
  12. I didn't get a pass, but I'll just pay. Its cheap enough:) Plus Tuesday nights are $10 ladies night:) Woot Woot, That makes it worth it I haven't been on here for so long, I don't even know if anyone will show up:) We'll see what happens! I posted on Ttips too, so should be a good crowd if people read it:) See you there!
  13. Oh my, I think that is Bono! Sketch, I can imagine! Let's get together for some night skiing after X-mas. Did you get a pass at skibowl or Hood?
  14. Hey Pdx! Who wants good beers?????? Concordia ale House (33rd and Killingsworth in NE) 7:30 Tuesday 12/20. Shred and Melsbells will be there!
  15. Yay! Mmmm beers.... Steve you have soooooo many places to stay. What wiiiiilll you do?
  16. Steve, we like you and the beer. I will eventually have pictures for you to view, I think I took like 80. I might as well have filmed the climb!
  17. Hey guys, don't you know about first Friday? All girls night....and from what I saw the other night, there will definitely be tight yoga pants and very short tank Prana tops
  18. Thank you Rob for a great time! I got to sleep in, and I am very happy about that!
  19. Thanx Mtguide! I will check out your post. I cannot wait until tuesday night at SkiBowl for Tele-tuesday! I will hope fully be rippin' it up with all the great pointers! Thank you again! Oh ya, Tuesday night is Ladies night at Skibowl for all you PDX folk. $7 lift tickets for the ladies! See you there!
  20. No,sh__t! Every paragraph you expect to be 'the end' of the characters. It puts everything in perspective about your own ventures, eH?
  21. Thank you MattP. Very helpful information. I can turn on groomers, but I seem to do a lot of swinging around for lack of balance. I used to race on alpine ski's and feel 100% on them, but this tele skiing is a whole new ballgame for balance. I appreciate the tips! Happy skiing!
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