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Everything posted by ExtremoMtDude

  1. rippin! what is the NE face of the peak? is this the glacier you speak of Iain? That has caught me eye a time or too but it looks runneled by late June. Runnels sometimes can be like mini jibbin pipes
  2. I've seen some mira's in shops for sub $250 (and its a local shop so no shipping!), go for last years gear and you'll be setup to rip.
  3. good golly, sounds like you kids need some snow! LOL!
  4. shucks fejas! from the sounds of it you are going to have your own HUCK DOLL this season! LOL, rip it up homey!
  5. Alas! A worthy topic to bring me back to this fine little site. The hiatus was long, but the last big week in LL was super fantastic, snow was tasty, and the women were even tastier LOL!!!!!!! I think it is best to be well versed in all aspects of glisse. Becoming an all mountain rider is key. When you can carve turns into the park, and then rip it up and jib in front of the kiddies just as well, it doesn't get any better. Almost wintertime baby!
  6. Iain, sweet stoke brah! I'm down here in Las Lenas right now, rought night at the discotech so I'm nursin away the morning hangover with some Internet fun, LOL! Just had to chime in and say that jibbing does the body good, so get out there and RIP IT UP! Hope all you jokesters are having fun, I've been shredding some major GNAR GNAR down here, good snow, and even better women, what more could a guy want? Keep the stoke comin brah! Extremo
  7. I truly don't mean to sound like trask or anything, LOL, but Extremo is heading south, of the Ecaudor that is, to shred during the "off season". All of y'all have fun up here in the states, I'll be rippin it up and jibbin like it was 1999! Extremo
  8. ExtremoMtDude

    More jokes:

    Even though you are a big "L", and that sure dum diditily don't mean LOL, those jokes were good Sphincter!
  9. LOL Dwayner! You sure put that young Sphnicter in his place, he can be a little pest sometimes. I swear if I ever see that guy out on the slopes i might shove a pole, or better yet an old school 210 up where the sun don't shine! LOL!
  10. "Jesus and I love you" Lummox
  11. I don't want to sound like a homo or something, but Depeche Mode is a Sweet Band! LOL
  12. I like to eat LOLlypops secret message for sphinxter: LOL
  13. Whatever, Sphinxter, LOL. Man some of you guys around here need to chill. Go burn one down and do some jibbin, or whatever, but jeesh, enough of these hateful posts already. Where's the love?
  14. ExtremoMtDude


    When i was out ripping it up this past weekend, I couldn't help but remember a special little gal. Like always we we're shredding, but this place was special, this is the place I first met Jenny. It was many years ago, but oh, it feels just like yesterday. I'll never forgot her tearing up those moguls, and looking so good. Jenny was the cats meow. Perhaps this picture might date me a bit, but gosh darn, oh the memories we had. She was my first true snowbunny, that special gal who was fun on the slopes and back in the lodge. I haven't seen her in years, but wherever you may be Jenny, keep jibbin. sorry, maybe i'm too much tonight, i'll go away now.
  15. What a riot, you guys sure crack me up! LOL. It is true though, many a young lass has accused me of knocking them up, comes with the jib i suppose
  16. i prefer a good pair of reflective ski goggles any day of the week. they are multifunctional, and gosh darn, i look good in them! LOL
  17. i can't deny it, i'm a str8 jibber, you do wanna fuck with me
  18. Slacklining is the Jibbing of the Climbing world. The webbing is just like a rail, but you are basically jibbin around. So therefore: Slacklining = Jibbing Erik = Slackliner Erik = Jibber ! LOL!@!!!!!!!!!
  19. I shredded in Yosemite once, at Badger Pass. BUnk resort but we lite up any mountain, anywhere, anytime. If there is any snow left Texplorer, you should jib it up!
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