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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. EWolfe

    Breaking News!!!!

    Hey, Couloir, like the new pic!
  2. "Right, then. We lived in a hole in the ground by th'side a tha road, ate dirt, went to work for 26 hour for the privilege of working, starting 2 hours before we got home, an' when we came home Father would slash usin two wit' breadknife." "You try and tell that to the young people of today, and they won't believe a word of it!" "Aye"
  3. Looks like pretty open water as opposed to
  4. EWolfe


    I recently had an odor problem with a windshirt I bought here, it was mildewed. I tried everything, including dry cleaning to no avail. Then the Cleaners suggested sending to a leather specialist for ozone treatment. Worked great, it was eight bucks.
  5. Buggerlugs, they be!
  6. Hey! I lost that!!! In a slow, burning kind of way...but it is lost now!!!! So, can I get it back?
  7. EWolfe


    I think we should have a good old rumble! Winner advances to next round against winner of Mountaineers .vs NW Hikers
  8. There is an Emphasis Patrol along the entire I-5 corrider this holiday weekend - from Canada to Mexico - Drive at the speed limit and spread the word. Have a good long weekend!
  9. This would go really well with your furry chalkbag named Chewbagga.
  10. EWolfe


    Well, you all obviously have the cool peoples thing going on, so goodnight.
  11. EWolfe


    Comfort yourself that maybe her thighs were too big.
  12. EWolfe


    Why am I not surprised, Chief Enumclaw
  13. EWolfe


    just go to the pony-side, Alpinfox already has. It's the new pink
  14. EWolfe


    In 45 years when the beast rules the planet, I hope you all remember this moment.
  15. EWolfe


    Cobra, I don't want to hear about your brown trout bombs .
  16. EWolfe


    And a fine hole it is. Home to both of our senators. GoodWeed, AK
  17. EWolfe


    AlpineK, why don't you tell that to Kitergal who started the thread. n00b Roast?
  18. EWolfe


    JEEZUS! Kermit was spot on. It really isn't easy being green, is it?
  19. digital extraction of fecal impaction is never pretty
  20. Drugs are bad, mmmkay? So, if this is your pipe, that's bad, mmmkay? and Kat's a Fed, mmmkay? so that's bad, mmmkay?
  21. EWolfe


    I can't believe none of you are even a little worried about this. Death Metal concerts have desensitized you, this shit is REAL!!!
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