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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. EWolfe


    not very nice!
  2. Ahh, the days of castration...sexual decisions were so much easier without gonads
  3. Leave it to The Red Dwarf to dis this thread. We don't hate you, Bro.
  4. EWolfe


    It seems since we are a climbing on-line community - differing from the never-meet cyber-person, folks here meet and work it out. It is The Litmus Test.
  5. Will I get in trouble for Googling that?
  6. EWolfe


    I have recently decided to smile in the face of Dis. Carry Om.
  7. Finally, the Canadians are out-dissed!
  8. I, too, am tired of that stupid sponge of mine we call a penis.
  9. makes sense - you don't hear much about bowlers drowning in the stank neither haha. I had to edit for stinky-foots. The shoes MAKE the man, not odor-detracting..
  10. Thanks, Man. I am still amazed every day that I got hooked up so well, so fast. It is a Singular Blessing to me.
  11. It's the shoes, Man. Ya got some sweet lugs, yer set.
  12. EWolfe


    again. Delta. I get tired of picking on people that live in reactive worlds. I am going back to my active one.
  13. My buddy, Tom, has a sweet cardboard divider in his pick-up. He's been on the road for 7 years.
  14. Damn Taxonomists! Eh, Fendfour? Rock Climbing is to Mountaineering what Bouldering is to Summitting Oly-style edit: NTTAWWT sickie
  15. Resist the cultural new-thing spending perogative - go to recycled cycles.
  16. Had 5 days of food, fun and climbing in St George last week. Participants included: Texplorer, JHealy, Jeff Lowe, Malcolm Daly, The Blanchards, Tarbuster, Russ Walling and Susan Peplow, David Bloom, folks from Arkansas, BC, DC, Cal, Hawaii, NY, Missouri and us less-than-6-hours local folks from AZ UT NV CO. Close to 50 of us and 90 pounds of frozen fish! Supertopo link
  17. Dru terrorizes us all the time. Dru = Omar Khadr??
  18. Words to live by :tup: John Gill doesn't post here. Please use proper references when referring to my hero. :wave:Erik
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