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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Wow! looks like a great route! Very nice pictures, as well. Well done, you guys!
  2. That's some worthy photshopping, there. Nice touch, too.
  3. It's more like the Rhino rock, but a little different. Excellent climbing, but the road is right below the climbing, unfortunately. Truly a blessed BBQ...
  4. http://www.menwholooklikekennyrogers.com/
  5. Trollin' for Luke again?
  6. That BB setup is frickin' bomb!
  7. EWolfe

    Bicycle Seats

    Yet another vote for the Selle Italia Flite
  8. EWolfe

    Greek Shocker!!

    I can't believe none of you foos made the dirty joke about this thread.
  9. I would describe our Northern Friends as (to borrow a phrase) "Mostly Harmless" Keep it out of sight, whatever country you're in.
  10. You boyz are tearing it up!!
  11. EWolfe

    Snaffle Rip-off!

    Maybe he would settle out of court for a new rack.
  12. Looks like a nice clean route! The dihedral looks really nice (Not like that choss we were on last weekend )
  13. A complete traverse of the Ballard pubs is a good grade III, requiring plenty of aid and intestinal fortitude.
  14. EWolfe

    Snaffle Rip-off!

    Those bastards at Snapple!
  15. EWolfe

    OMG Photo Caption!!!

    "Man! This slackline is so wrong, I just can't believe it!"
  16. EWolfe

    The Estonian Carry

    Non-sequiter: I just heard on CKLG today that a school in BC has added a third restroom for transvestites! You Canucks are so cutting edge
  17. EWolfe

    Greek Shocker!!

    About the same time the Greeks were defending the onslaught by the Portugese in an amazing last-minute display to hold onto their marginal lead, Kubiachi consumed 53 hot dogs in twelve minutes to win his fourth straight Golden Mustard Belt. Sports are cool.
  18. EWolfe

    Greek Shocker!!

    Beating Portugal IN Portugal, 1-0. Unbelievable!!
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