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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. At least it'll get 'em off the mainland....
  2. The way Layton lurches at you, drooling and rolly-eyed makes one want to move to the other side of the mountain.
  3. EWolfe


    wrong glass, Sir.
  4. EWolfe

    It's a miracle!

    Gosh, am I hungry for Marilyn toast or Elvistoast? Decisions, decisions...
  5. EWolfe

    You suck

    Alpinfox sucks so much, he can take chrome off a trailerhitch.
  6. EWolfe


    STFU, n00b!
  7. Yep. Tom, who owns Vertigo in Seattle has done it in the last few years. Sexy Cocoa?
  8. If you think that is a chestbeat, you are an insensitive, self-involved moron.
  9. I was just reading John Long's book, and thought it would be cool to share some of our own "close calls". This has probably been done, but what the hey. I'll start: I was building a climbing gym in SoCal about 10 years ago, and decided to take a break from mixing and filling gaps with Bondo. I think I must have been a bit wacked from the fumes, and I was alone late working. There was a corner of the gym that had been completed and had holds on it, so I booted up and started up the dihedral. The floor was a hardwood gym floor, and I had no crash pad, but the holds were big and the stemming good, so I proceeded upwards. As I climbed, I passed round holes in the wall, some big and some small, that would eventually get texture inserts to break up the regularity of the flat panels. I went up and down the 30 foot wall several times, and as I approached the top of the dihedral for the third or fourth time, my calves started feeling a little pumped. There was a good sized jug at the top, so I went a bit further, hung off the jug and shook my legs out, hanging by both hand from the large, flat jug. As I went to shake out my right hand, the hold spun to the left where I was hanging from my other hand, and I went straight over backwards, plummeting upside down towards the wood floor 25 feet below. The next thing I remember is my head whacking something, and as I recovered from my diziness, I could hardly believe I was even alive. As I opened my eyes, I looked around and the whole gym was upside down and the floor was less than 3 feet from my head. The back of my knees hurt like a sonofabitch, and my head was resting against the wall. Here’s what happened: apparently as I plummeted, flailing, both of my legs caught in one of the holes that the round texture panels go in, saving me from major injury or death. I pulled myself up and gingerly climbed down the wall, the bruises on the back of my knees blooming already. Other than that, I was unscathed I still cannot for the life of me figure out how, pitching off backwards on a vertical wall, my legs got caught. I swear to this day that some guardian angel gave me a push back into that wall so my legs would catch.
  10. Isn't it a bit early, Rudy?
  11. EWolfe

    Snaffle Decanter!

    Here's a piece of art to really class up your place:
  12. EWolfe

    Snaffle Decanter!

    There's a that runs around our neighborhood and gets goodies from people. He will come right up to you and take food. I call him "Mr. Nuts". The other day a woman in our building tried to pick him up when he came through her open door. She got really upset when he bit her. Duuuhhh. I'll see if he is a decanter next time....
  13. What if the president AND vice-president are found guilty of impeachable offenses. Who takes the helm then?
  14. It's a four-part video of the excavation and transport of the frozen body of Refreshus Verticus (Rainier bottle with legs).
  15. Hey, 4aker. Could you move the fatcat, I can't read the bedspread.
  16. foilboarding homepage Now THIS looks cool. Supposedly it feels like flying.
  17. EWolfe

    A Parable

    You sure stirred up a shitstorm, K! I don't get it either...
  18. My ex-wife and I were 2 of the 12 people at the ranch at the time and helped them move. It sucks that they kicked Kurt and Elena off the ranch, but there is more to the story. At the time, Kurt was building casitas for people to stay in, and part of the original deal was that he was to have a tent-camping only setup, so as not to compete with the other brothers existing set-up. Not a good move, especially considering that since it is in fact federal land, he could stake no right to any claims on the land. Also, his agreement was not written, also not a good move, leaving him little recompense. Kurt has a swagger that could easily rub the locals the wrong way, and the situation between the brothers and him was marginal at best. It seems that he made assumptions about the "american" way of doing things that didn't necessarily reflect the attitude of the local people. Plus, being a hot-headed gringo exacerbated the situation.
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