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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. If THAT isn't envy by #1 for having to share the honor, I don't know what is... Yak Bouldering...
  2. ...and we wouldn't we have fun spraying!
  3. You should install some parental controls on yourself, or something.
  4. The return of The Pink Panther The Pink Panther Strikes Again Babe Ice Age The Good The Bad and The Ugly For A Few Dollars More
  5. Now that the boys are taken care of how about one for us men?
  6. Millett sprays for the little cheepers first, then midget spraying. Rudy!!!
  7. If human rights were treated as human privileges, we would all be a lot better off.
  8. Could you get Mike laid before our trip, so he calms down a bit? Thanks.
  9. Excellent, Ken! Glad to see you're gettin' some climbing in!
  10. I need you to be more human.
  11. EWolfe

    I've Got...

    A colonic would be better.
  12. It's the season for preserves....
  13. EWolfe


    He only works at the climbing gym because of the intellectual challenges and creative stimulus
  14. Summit prize! Hubba hubba! E-rock is gettin all hot and bothered.
  15. I take offense to rat-bastard. My father was a
  16. but just look at the anchor points. No wonder Droo takes him.
  17. Drop your cocks and grab your socks asseyes
  18. EWolfe


    I was wondering where uncle Jed ended up.
  19. that'll look hot with your rack of sex toys.
  20. EWolfe

    I've Got...

    ......I was just trying.........to meet some hot climbing women...........oh.......I.....just don't ..........know why you are all.....so hurtful........
  21. Did you meet him locally? He seems perfect for you, Dru.
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