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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. EWolfe

    floppy disks

    Sport Climber! (just kidding )
  2. EWolfe


    There is a guy that will build you an amazing treehouse - you pay for materials only. He resides for two years, then the treehouse is yours: only in California.
  3. Just spent three days out there working. Thanks Billygoat for the hookups! Everone waves at each other when you drive by. I hate the social responsibility of that. I fel bad when I forget. Everyone is SO MELLOW out there!
  4. Things are shaping up for a 4-day weekend! Who wants to carpool on thursday night, returning Monday? PM me if interested
  5. I did some stuff. It was OK. I am over it.
  6. EWolfe

    floppy disks

    Don't be discin' the floppies, Yo.
  7. Solution: Impeachment New Problem: Dick Cheney. Stalemate.
  8. I'll give you 50 cent: and here's my message: Does that work for you?
  9. Sold out. 2 please, if you aren't going, or know someone with extras. Thanks, Erik & Suzi
  10. The act of spraying him in the process would be the sweetest kind of cruel irony.
  11. He's practicing for the "Digital Extraction of Fecal Impaction" segment of his WFR. He'll soon be able to get you whistle-clean in no time.
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