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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. at least you know what FTP stands for. so how about that date with a hog?
  2. And now that Poland is no longer a part of the CCCP, and Poland is a part of the EU, you can go back. By this logic we should be sending your parents back to Ukraine, subsequently you following them as well.
  3. Welcome to America- yes we sold your country to Soviet Union - your historical ignorance is astonishing. I did not choose to be born in Soviet occupied country. FYI I left Poland way before EU existed. It's funny how much people pretend to know about immigration and laws governing it, yet they never had to deal with CIS.
  4. Yes we want cheap fuel and food, so this is a risk we are willing to take. They will clean it up and we will continue on as is . We are being led to believe it's cheap so we buy it, then the real cost is covered by tax payers. Look at food industry- sell cheap and not worry about epidemic of obesity.
  5. Will be a great science experiment, finally we can test the theory of putting on a "lid" to counteract ocean heat fueling hurricanes. Imagine if BP discovered how to reduce hurricane strength or even stop them from forming in the first place More like the storm surge will deposit the oil deep inland.
  6. Probably because: 1) You failed at reading comprehension and no one is trying to invalidate US birth certificates as a form of proof of citizenship. At least as far as that NPR article goes (I can't find a link to the proposed legislation in the article). 2) You just barely rolled off the boat from Poland. Having a sheet of paper saying you're now a citizen doesn't justify your smug attitude. DD214 doesn't prove you can think, just proves you are good with following orders. Last time I check reading comprehension also wasn't required upon signing a contract. Obviously your logic is air tight Fucking brilliant- Supreme Court has to rule on constitutionality of the amendment to the constitution - biggest oxymoron I have heard all week.
  7. Also I haven't heard a beep about the impact on Mexico.
  8. " Natural or man made, I see no real difference. If anything, since the oil spill took place at sea then the federal government probably has an even larger responsibility than during Katrina since there is no local contingency plan." I see a huge difference- for now 11 casualties of an industrial accident vs 1,836- mostly due to slow evacuation. The blame was squarely on FEMA on this one- a direct Bush appointment. Like I said, nobody is dying now, so we are comparing apples and oranges.
  9. Show me where I've ever said this. In fact, show me where Republicans have said this. I know that creating these straw men makes your world easier to digest. Maybe Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 (aka Gramm-Leach-Bliley) rings the bell? Passed under the Clinton administration. Do you see Gramm- Leach-Clinton? No? First of all I did not say Democrats are not free from guilt of deregulations of the 90's and 2000's. Second, even the administration was democratic, the congers was republican and had enough votes to override presidential veto. My point is that it is a share hypocrisy on part of FW and people on the right, when first they cry for a smaller government, yet they cry when shit hits the fan and they want the same government to fix things. I think comparing Katrina to the spill is an utter nonsense. Katrina was a natural desaster, which caused massive flooding. There were 1,836 people dead, many of them just due to slow response. There is 11 people dead in a industrial accident, caused by (what it looks like) corner cutting policies of BP. Yet BP is given a free pass and the current administration is being blamed for slow response? give me a fucking brake.
  10. Why should I be humble facing a pure stupidity? All I am saying is is a wrong way to go about it, period.
  11. So try crossing the border or getting a passport with your DD214. good luck! DD214 has nothing to do with proving your legal status in the US, so as far as proving your status is as good as a roll of toilet paper. Here is an example: U.S. birth certificate or registration of birth (must be original or certified copy, have a seal, and be issued by an authorized United States government agency such as the Bureau of Vital Statistics or State Board of Health. (Hospital issued certificates are not acceptable). Valid Passport (if foreign passport, must include appropriate U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) documents, as specified below). U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) documents (must be a valid unexpired document) as follows: Certificate of Naturalization Certificate of Citizenship Permanent Resident Card I-551 Stamp contained in valid foreign passport I-94 card contained in valid foreign passport Alien Registration Receipt card (Resident Alien Card) Temporary Resident card Employment Authorization card Refugee Travel document Now, see what I am talking about- if you don't consider a birth certificate a primary document then a vast majority of people in this country will be illegal, which is utterly absurd.
  12. Show me where I've ever said this. In fact, show me where Republicans have said this. I know that creating these straw men makes your world easier to digest. Maybe Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 (aka Gramm-Leach-Bliley) rings the bell?
  13. how fucking convenient...
  14. You seem to forget that Katrina was a natural disaster, this one is man made. Quite a difference, since primo- some fucked company decided to cut corners secundo- the same company is responsible for a clean up. Why the fuck should the government be involved is beyond me. Did Obama create this mess? your statement just shows what a hypocritical bastard you are. first you scream:deregulate, less government, but anything goes wrong you want the same government to fix it. can't have it both ways.
  15. Here you go- so what does the federal government have to do with a disaster created by a private company? Aren't you for self- regulation? So now SHUT THE FUCK UP PIGFUCKER. who cares what you think, people like you are yesterdays news- crawl into the hole you surfaced from. This (along with financial meltdown) is GW deregulation child.
  16. He was one of my most favorite singers, sad he is gone! As for the protests, just sucks for Ronnie's family to deal with such bullshit hate!.
  17. Like I said, mistake in numbers, but wonder what would happen if someone added 60 bolts on the Nose to do some stupid film. On the to of that 700m of static line was fixed and left hanging.
  18. I think there is quite a bit of difference in this case- placing 450 bolts on the biggest classic of the area is not on par with Blueberry Hill. It would be like doing to Yosemite and adding 450 bolts on the Nose to film someone trying to free it. To be fair it seems 60 bolts were added atop the 450 (Maestri by and large) that existed but these were placed in sections even Maestri didn't bolt. OK, so in my fury I had my facts a bit mixed up, but let's not mention 700m of rope stretched on one of the most popular route of the area. What really pisses me off is the attitude of the clownpuncher, who has a nerve to say, he did not do anything wrong.
  19. This sucks! One of my most favorite actors!
  20. I think if repubifuck have their way, pretty soon you'll hear exact words: GET THE FUCK OUT. I have a document saying I am a citizen- do you? don't think so.
  21. To be fair- addition 450 bolts on a well established alpine climb on one of the most famous peaks is simply unacceptable. Imagine shit-fit that would happen if it was The Nose on ElCap. OK, after reading this I changed my mind: David Lama is an arrogant sporto, who should eat shit and live.: "From Redbull.com: "Due to different statements and allegations published on diverse platforms regarding my project on Cerro Torre I would like to clarify several facts. I want to make sure that these discussions take place on the actual facts and on the way they occurred. I came to Patagonia together with my partner to attempt a freeclimbing ascent of the compressor route on Cerro Torre. A filmteam was with us to document the attempt. Every step made in Parque Nacional Los Glaciares and the Cero Torre by either my partner, myself or the accompanying production crew was executed in accordance with the rules and regulations as set out by the local mountain guides and the park administration; all necessary permits have been requested and granted. Due to bad weather and bad conditions we were forced to return home even earlier than planned. The danger of avalanches made it impossible for us to remove the fixed ropes and gear we had left on Col de la Patiencia before our departure. Therefore we engaged some pro guides to remove it for us, as soon as conditions would allow it. Constant communication with the local authorities during the project and the cleaning effort ensured that all standards were met and. if possible . surpassed. The current status is that the project is on hold until next year. The entire shoulder and wall have been cleaned, except for bolts used for the production which will definitely be removed after next years attempt. Personally, I don’t believe that we did anything wrong. In fact it was us to remove loads of old, ruined ropes and slings from the mountain which were left behind by others…I know a lot has been discussed about my project and a lot of false information has been spread. Therefore I kindly ask you to judge my project at its end. I’m looking forward to returning next season, Patagonia has impressed me more than anything that I have seen before. Regards, David" Personally- if you don't think you did anything wrong you clown punching puff boy, i'd rather tie in on a rope with a donkey fucker then with you.
  22. I don't think Lama drilled the holes, it's Red Bullshit crew and the production company which should be blamed. I think in case of Lama it's more of a "guilt by association", which still carries pretty heavy burden in this case.
  23. but it's not about another disaster created by a large corporation? your logic as usual is air tight.
  24. I think there is quite a bit of difference in this case- placing 450 bolts on the biggest classic of the area is not on par with Blueberry Hill. It would be like doing to Yosemite and adding 450 bolts on the Nose to film someone trying to free it.
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