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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. There is ZERO gun enforcement, and zero interest in the enforcement. There are hundreds of bullets fired at road signs, I don't hear anyone busting them. I also don't hear states going after gun manufacturer coffers to get the signs replaced, or cover the cost related to recovery from gun violence (every state has victim compensation fund= taxpayers money). Why aren't manufactures liable of these costs is beyond me.
  2. Your assertions don't even jibe with your link! LOL The fact is they are still trying to understand what happened here and it's no where near as clear cut as you claim. Well, the problem is that yours and other right wingnut assertions don't give with reality of life. Case and point was last election. You guys have your heads up your ass so deep, you can't even see the reality on the ground. Your "arguments" boil down to a bunch of pointless drivel you overheard on Fox- same source that predicted landslide for Romney.
  3. One more thing pops into my mind. NRA propaganda of "law abiding" gun owners is complete load of shit. As the matter of fact gun law violations happen in thousands every single day, with almost zero enforcement. We are talking about shooting of the road signs- anyone driving on US roads can see that clearly. We are also not talking now and then. As the matter of fact states are forced to spend quite large sums on replacing signs destroyed by these "law abiding" fucks. In Oregon, between Bend and Redmond, after placing a decoy deer, over 100 citations were issued for shooting within 300 feet from the highway in 48 hour period. As the matter of fact, the reason police was forced to stop catching people is simple- the decoy was destroyed in 2 days! Now, if you have 2 DUI's- you usually lose your license and can't legally drive, third time you usually do jail time. So why aren't people operating guns licensed is beyond me. Simple licensing of gun owners would allow to have a legal way to prevent these cases from happening.
  4. the 1791 solution goes a good deal beyond keeping muskets out of the hands of half-wits... One report was saying the perpetrator was far from a half-wit - had some form of mild autism, but was extremely intelligent, even described as a "genius". So much for "half-wits" being the problem you should reread the quote as you didn't quite grok it... Reading skilz is not his strong suit. Repeating bunch of bullshit overheard on fox is. You are trying to argue with a half-wit.
  5. Also, why didn't a single mass murdering maniacs go down in a hail of bullets shot by NRA members? It's because a gun in the hand of untrained person is worthless. That is why police and military does the drills and training. For 99% gun just provides a falls sense of security.
  6. Well, the Constitution is the highest law of the land, so there's that. I don't suppose you disagree with a concept of the rule of law, given that the alternative is, well, to put into place systems like shariah - which is basically carte blanc for religious zealots to do pretty much whatever they want to, or not even bother and just go with an omnipotent dictatorship. Laws should reflect current times, and laws should be changed if not working. 2nd amendment is "carte blanche" for gun nuts and their free for all approach. I don't see an shred of difference between that and shariah.
  7. the 1791 solution goes a good deal beyond keeping muskets out of the hands of half-wits... One report was saying the perpetrator was far from a half-wit - had some form of mild autism, but was extremely intelligent, even described as a "genius". So much for "half-wits" being the problem like typical commie like brainwashed republifuck, of course all you can advocate is to do nothing.
  8. US constitution is becoming Koran of the country and the prophets, who wrote it were omnipotent geniuses. Like they were not wrong on slavery!
  9. After what happened yesterday, anyone arguing against a legit gun control (and type of gun laws actually working) is a psycho-puke-fuckheaded retard.
  10. It's the same fucking puke argument and what? Any of these assholes should be proud of their deadly deeds? So is it dick measuring contest now? WTF?
  11. So how many shooting were there in Canada recently? I bet there is an equal number of mentally ill people there as in the US. The difference is their gun laws. And if guns are so fucking harmless, how is it that in Iraq the official US policy was to disarm ordinary, law abiding citizens?
  12. I never said more guns is the answer. If there are laws on the books that this guy violated to obtain the weapons, then gun control clearly is not effective, is it? If this guy has a history of mental instability and was allowed to stay free and clear (rather than be treated, medicated or possibly institutionalized), then clearly there is a problem there, isn't there? To fix what went wrong you actually have to identify the failure first. Such a horseshit argument. It's like you'd have a stretch of a road with several fatal accidents and nobody would do a thing. Blaming on individual bad drivers and it's theirs fault, not a specific design of the road. The truth of the matter is that we have more people with access to firearms and more people killed by them, then any other developed country. A person shooting in Arizona had history of mental problems and was removed from local community college. However he was not a mental patient, so he obtained his gun from a store, in a legal way with a background check. So the system is simply not working. Besides- you can just waltz into a wallmart, use a stolen credit card (as then never check your ID with cc) and buy a shotgun- no checks, nothing. Right now there is no background checks on rifles or shotguns at all.
  13. Did this fellow get these firearms legally? Was he being treated for/known to be mentally unstable? That's where you start. Where you don't start is with the usual knee jerk reaction, replete with conclusion-jumping and politicizing. You are a total asshole, the lowest of the low, the scum of the earth. You same on the same shit eating level, as people who protest during the funerals. Go fuck yourself.
  14. Well shit, you Canucks have it all figured out. Clearly. well, show me mass shootings in Canada, please! waiting patiently.....
  15. Classy, utilize a horrible tragedy as a political tool; despite the fact that you know nothing about the manner in which this individual obtained his firearms. How did I know I would find this filth on this website? You too Rob. Classless. I think you have to be utterly blind to the facts, that access to guns, body armor enables such individuals to cary out such acts. How many people have to die, before you understand this? Look at Europe, where they had 2 school shootings in the past 10 years. It's a good thing the Soviets kept arms out the hands of the Poles. Your statement shows elementary lack of any shred of knowledge in the subject matter. The gun ownership in Poland or other countries of soviet block was restricted, but not outlawed. As the matter of fact my dad owned 3 pieces of firearms (12 and 20 gauge and 7.62 with a scope) - all legal. He had to take a safety class, pass a safety test, register them and keep them in a locked cabinet. So as usual you are just full of shit.
  16. Mark, my wife is still able to do cracks. You have to modify the technique. However the risk of amputation in Talus replacement is far too great, and you'd have much harder time climbing without your foot. My friend Simon cranks 5.12 in Bugaboos, without much of the problem. Your physician assessment of the foot function with subtalar fusion is incorrect imo. Injecting cortisone into the joint will degrade the joint even further. It will lead to thinning of the cartilage in the long run, which will cause more pain in long term. There are known cases (Kurt Marsh just of the top of my head), that not only ended a thriving career, but also led to necrotizing of the tissue and amputation. The reason you are feeling pain in the joint isn't due to lack of cortisone in it.
  17. That's the only difference, eh? Really? The other difference is access to mental health services, which are the first to get cut.
  18. Classy, utilize a horrible tragedy as a political tool; despite the fact that you know nothing about the manner in which this individual obtained his firearms. How did I know I would find this filth on this website? You too Rob. Classless. I think you have to be utterly blind to the facts, that access to guns, body armor enables such individuals to cary out such acts. How many people have to die, before you understand this? Look at Europe, where they had 2 school shootings in the past 10 years.
  19. For any shots I would recommend claws from a really large house cat.
  20. My wife has fused Talus and Calcaneus bones, so basically there is no more subtalar joint. She developed arthritis, after fracturing Calcaneus in 4 pieces. At this point she doesn't have any mobility issues. She is not able to run, but she can do everything else, which includes racing DH bikes in Whistler, climbing and skiing. My friend from Calgary, Simon, had the same surgery, but he had to have his redone, as his ankle angle was incorrect. He developed a nasty case of Plantar Fasciatis, which took over a year to sorted out. My wife had no complications from the surgery, and it took about 3 months for a recovery. My understanding of Talus replacement (because this is what they intend on doing- right?) is that is an ultimate surgery and if unsuccessful, the only post surgery option is amputation. I would not risk it. Subtalar fusion works like a charm and you might have some difficulties on some hand cracks, but in general the decrease in mobility will have a very insignificant effect on your activities.
  21. Mods, pls move this shit to spray, where it belonged in the first place.
  22. Yeah, he also had a smart phone, on which he forgot to check forecast or doppler radar, but he had enough juice in the battery to spray on FB after calling the rescue. Give me a fucking brake!
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