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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. and besides, the leashless tools swing like crap compared to "real" tools. fact is, they're designed to optimize the hanging grip angle, not the swinging motion. that might be beneficial on a picked-out competition surface, and it's no problem when you're carefully placing tips into holds on dry-tool surfaces (in which situation it's a great advantage to NOT be attached to your tools - way more freedom of movement is possible), but it sucks on waterfall ice. horses for courses... cheers, don, i think ergos don't swing like shit. i did switch last year. they swing different, that's all. while "old style" tools like quark or cobra swing around your pinky, ergos you have to swing around your index finger, that's all. i found you have to be more careful with getting the tool handles dry and keeping your fingers warm. but after all i like my leashless much more now.
  2. what's the tel no. i might want to chech the mix climbing boot.
  3. i think i a phair price with leashes and extra hammer.
  4. i think i a phair price with leashes and extra hammer.
  5. not really. can't expect much from this ghanorea club. they are so fucking cool- NOT!
  6. you guys are a bunch of stuck up assholes. and clueless too. as if interia.pl was not enough to see. so let me ask you something. how many fucking sets of cams are sitting unused in your closet? and how many belay devices, locking binners do you have. so let me tell you a few facts you stuck up bunch of fuckwads. the average salary in poland is something like 600pln- 1000 pln. 1 USD = about 3.3 pln. so you do the math. unempolyment at this moment is somewhere between 20 and 90%, dependent where you live. and the prices don't differ much to the one here. so Kubek is most likely some highschool kid or a student, who's parents struggle to put him through school, doesn't have much money. he also most likely tried climbing, found it rewarding and is trying his best to persue it. so what's wrong with that? my last visit a month ago i left my rope for a friend of my, a pair of shoes for another as well as my harness for some highschool kid. i am also donating some $$ for development of this new area, so people have a place to dry- tool. for most of you clueless fucks let me tell you this- you can't even fathom how lucky you are compared to a lot of places on this planet. a true compasionate bunch we have here. and most of you are calling me an asshole. well, just look in the mirror.. and to some climbing is as important as eating or sleeping- something you computer clownpunchers wouldn't know either. pretty lame if you ask me
  7. yeah, rice was cosidered an soviet union expert in the 80's. yet really what it boils down, she doesn't have a clue about soviet union or eastern europe or russia. that shows i the current policy of this administration, who treat russia as liable partner. i mean wtf? i predict russia will be chasing terrorists from bajkal to spain.
  8. hey robrob, rudy is right. you don't have a clue about me. so where do you think i spent 22 years of my life? club med?i lived in poland, i was jailed, bitten and my only choices were either to leave or rot in jail. so fuck you very much and excuse me if i get pissed of by a wanker like yourself, who never had to face a situation like that but voices his opinion on this subject matter. half of my family ended up in kazachstan in 1939 in a gulag, how about yours. so you showed up behind iron curtain, gave your money to support the government i hated and prosecuted me and somehow you imagine you have a moral authority to tell me why i should feel grateful? and btw i am licenced to practice in this state, so fuck off. and don't ask me for advice when you get injured
  9. sorry, but you ARE a tool and i rule. fuck off
  10. jon, the question is i suppose what the fuck are americans doing in iraq in the first place! in the meantime this coutry is declared "safe" by departing asscrapt. let me point out the fact, that since sep 11 2001 none of the citizens of soudi arabia are required to obtain a visa before entering united states!!! let me remind you, that none of the terrorists-hijackers were iraqis. more- 18 out of 19 were sauduis. and the whole operation was masterminded by saudis. so where is the logic? even more- there are theletons in soudi arabia auctioning art, gold and juwery to raise money, which goes directly to organizations like hamas. and what saudi officials do? nothing. to make it clear to you seems like soudis are the real enemy of this coutry, yet i don't see this administration talking about solving problem of arab terrorism in saudi arabia. wonder why. even more- this administration treats their allays like crap. while turkey- a coutry that did not allow US troops into their contry- received over 2 billion $$ in military aid, while poland (we have over 2500 soldiers and over 100 dead) recived only 200 milion at the same time. where is the logic and fairness in that? try a direct and straight answer to these questions for one. my answer is that this administration treats this coutry like their own private idaho and they are taking the nation for a nice ride. because if their interest was the same as most of the poeple here the sollutions are quite obvious to me.
  11. i'll fight along with kozak or anybody from scottland anytime.... bring it on....and fuck some puff mud wrestling- let's go for bare knuckle fighting. i am ready
  12. i think hemight be talking about us kozak.
  13. too much pot, that's what i think. or maybe he was hanging around with a convicted criminal rush limbough doing some "prescription drugs" like crack cocaine. i am sure his mother was on crystal meth while fucking entire foolball team from her highschool.
  14. the problem is not particular events, but the strategy. not enough troops to secure coutry after the invasion. you have to realize, that these people were fucked for years. then the invasion comes and they loose whatever they had left. poverty breeds desperation. not enough uinterpreters, not enough humanitarian aid after the fighting was over. and not enough inteligence. you can't win a partisan warfare with a regular army.
  15. and the honor goes to TG1: omfg! check some of the shit this guy is writing. and i thought we are talking about wave frequencies all this time.... thanks for straightning us out... next time i have to go somewhere i'll use a gun to get there. i shouldn't forget to lock my luggage with a trigger lock though.... can anybody tell me what "english" is it in? or do all rednecks write like that? what "credent" is and what he/ she looks like- can anybody tell me? so according to him i am black or asian and on welfare lame dickwad doesn't know what FAA is computer with monitor $499, internet hook up $20, making a complete moron out of youself in front of everyone- priceless
  16. omfg! what airplane? you are so far in a la-la land it's scary! current FAA regulations prohibit locking your bags, so they can be inspected by contollers. you ARE a redneck ....just keep going- it's a mighty fine funny what you are writing.....
  17. being polish doesn't make me a minority. the minority you reffer to is race, right? so to let you know you dumbshit poland isn't located in africa or asia or even south america, but in the center of europe, hence it is called central european coutry. so how does it make me a minority? even more, so called minorities in poland are something like 0.5% (mostly people who married polish citizens), hence my skin is of that white color. so what makes me a minority? so your point was......aaaa, not only fucking dumb, but a racist pig? shut the fuck up you cunt
  18. why bother, you are doing just fine. i mean it's hard to argue with someone who's IQ is 80, right? you are just a prime specimen of republican supporter- dumb, uneducated and without answers. keep going- you are doing a fine job of making me lough and a complete ass out of yourself
  19. not only a wanker, but a genuine wanker with a short memory: i don't need to add anymore- you contradicted youself- case closed.
  20. so one more thing- have you been to switzerland? i have. maybe you didn't notice, that they don't have a regular army- the citizens are responsible for the defese- that would fit a term "militia" every male has a weapon, as well as a uniform and basic miltary equipment. two times a year there is a requirement for them to go through 1 week of miltary excercise. only during that time they are allowed to carry their rifles outside of their homes.
  21. tg 1 you are so full of shit that your eyes turn brown from turd overload. to agrgue with you is a complete waste of my time. you can belive what you want. doesn't change the fact that you are an ignorant fuckwad. ok, so english is not my native language, but you? which grade did stop your education at? first? can you actually write in english. like i said- a wanker
  22. forgot to mention a wanker and dumbass. T-A=0. like i said- wanker
  23. this conversation reached dead end. the topic wasn't the guns, gun ownership. the topic is that people in the SE and center of the US of A use double standard logic. they complain about taxation in this coutry, yet they pay the least to the system and bennefit the most. they are religious zellots, yet they even don't live what they preach- hence things like divorce rate in those areas is much higher then in states concidered "liberal". they want (supposedly) smaller govenment, yet they voted for the administration that did the biggest hiring since WWII! the budget deficit is staggering, a strategy in a war is not working.... the list goes on.
  24. simple- the length of the weapon and ability to hide. there is a minimum lenght issue. my point is that i am not agains gun ownership. have a gun, have a hangun if you want. but there is simply not enough safety and not enough enforcement. your logic is like this- i am responsible, so why do i have to suffer concequences for some dummbshit asshole- right. i get your point. but the other side of the issue is like this. if there is a dangerous section of the road and high rate of the accidents the first thing that will happen is the speed limmit gets lowered. that's called public safety. you can be a race car driver and you can go safely through this section twice the speed limmit, but you still have to obey the rule, right? you said, gun related crimes are commited by criminals. that's an oxymoron. the fact is that if you commit a crime, using a gun - that makes you a criminal. canada has higher gun ownership rate then the united states. yet i can walk on the street there without worry. so what is the big deal? you pass a test showing you can handle the gun, the same way you have to pass the test that can show you can operate car or an airplane. tell me what's wrong with that?
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