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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. glassgowkiss

    Go Bernie

    Fox news is co-owned by Waleed Bin Talal, who also funded 9/11 hijackers. In a way Fox news funded 9/11. I would say, anyone watching Fox is simply supporting terrorism.
  2. glassgowkiss

    Go Bernie

    Sorry, but Trump is an intellectual midget. Debating with someone like Bernie would be pretty much one sided contest.
  3. glassgowkiss

    Go Bernie

    The oligarchy (with help of Faux News) will remedy that situation soon enough... Fixed it for you
  4. Are you supporting Obama now?
  5. I don't see Sanders or Clinton running on religious platform. Cruz is, so is Huckabee and Santorum.
  6. Yes, I am pretty familiar with fair use laws, which btw does not apply to political events. Even more, besides licensing of the music, you actually have to receive a permission from the artist to use it. Yes, plenty Democratic dirtbags rip off artists as well. At least they don't run on tough on crime, holier then thou platform, like your beloved thieving republifucks. Anyway, any further discussion with you would be a solid waste of my breath.
  7. Why do Republican Party candidates commit intellectual property theft? Kind of hard to claim your "law and order", holier then thou platform, while committing intellectual property theft left and right. Kind of hard to believe, you are actually going to uphold individual ownership rights, since one of the very first acts of these campaigns is usually a property theft. Using music without clearing property rights is nothing, but an act of theft. Case 1 Trump- another stealing asshole
  8. I assume your mom fucked football team, hence your lack of intelligence. That would explain you thinking 1.1 is larger then 3.8.
  9. well, there is no cure for lack of intelligence, and any further discussion with you on that matter would be clearly a complete waste of time. "In 1988, public colleges and universities received 3.2 times as much in revenue from state and local governments as they did from students. They now receive about 1.1 times as much from states and localities as from students." Sorry if I can't help you with your lack of basic calculations.
  10. After adjusting for inflation: Forty-eight states — all except Alaska and North Dakota — are spending less per student than they did before the recession.[1] States cut funding deeply after the recession. The average state is spending $2,026 or 23 percent less per student than before the recession. Per-student funding in Arizona, Louisiana, and South Carolina is down by more than 40 percent since the start of the recession (Louisiana is among the eight states that continued to cut funding over the last year). Wyoming, West Virginia, Louisiana, Wisconsin, and North Carolina cut funding the most over the last year. Of these, all but Wyoming have cut per student funding by more than 20 percent since the recession hit. (From http://www.cbpp.org/research/states-are-still-funding-higher-education-below-pre-recession-levels) "This trend has meant that over time students have assumed much greater responsibility for paying for public higher education. In 1988, public colleges and universities received 3.2 times as much in revenue from state and local governments as they did from students. They now receive about 1.1 times as much from states and localities as from students. Nearly every state has shifted costs to students over the last 25 years — with the most drastic shift occurring since the onset of the recession. In 1988, average tuition amounts were larger than per-student state expenditures in only two states, New Hampshire and Vermont. By 2008, that number had grown to ten states. Today, tuition revenue now outweighs government funding for higher education in 23 states with six states — New Hampshire, Vermont, Delaware, Colorado, Rhode Island, Michigan, and Pennsylvania — asking students and families to shoulder higher education costs by a ratio of at least 2-to-1." Now, please show me your sources showing: "Football and basketball programs generally pay for themselves.". While it might be the case with SOME programs, this is NOT TRUE for vast majority of small and medium size colleges and universities. Also: "Nationwide, employment at public colleges and universities has grown modestly since the start of the recession, but less than the growth in the number of students. Between the 2007-08 and the 2012-13 school years, the number of full-time equivalent instructional staff at public colleges and universities grew by about 7 percent, while the number of students at these institutions grew by 10 percent. In other words, the number of faculty per student declined nationwide. In three states — California, Nevada, and New Hampshire — full-time equivalent instructional staff at public colleges and universities fell between the 2007-08 and the 2012-13 school years, even as enrollment grew"
  11. You are just one stupid tosser. The fact is that the actual cost per student increased in Washington State less then the rate of inflation. The biggest issue is the way it is paid. While till about mid 90's the costs were split between state and federal funding, and in general students were responsible for about 20%. Now the students are responsible for about 80%. The actual cost of a climbing wall is a fraction of other sport programs, like football or basketball. According to you, the best thing would be just to dismantle college sports and fitness programs. Fat fuck Christie is a prime example of what happens, when you do that. I am sure his tax payer supported gastric bypass is a huge success, judging by the continuing slim waste line of this champion of fitness and logic. But I guess, support of the stupid is your thing.
  12. This is what republican party is at the moment: a parade of stupid. Now this cherry: stupid is what stupid says "You have rocks," Christie said, being met with laughter. "What the hell do you need a rock climbing wall for? Tell the kids at UNH to go outside and climb those rocks." Obviously if we are talking about epidemics, let's not talk about the epidemic of obesity, which he is clearly a shining example of. Picture is worth 1000 words- health is not a high priority for this fat fuck, but stupidity is.
  13. glassgowkiss

    Go Bernie

    Better than a commie. Actually, biggest racists are commies. BTW, you are neither, you are just plain STUPID gasbag.
  14. glassgowkiss

    Go Bernie

    Trump should be fucking proud of himself. He was officially endorsed by David Duke- the very leader of KKK. Way to go!
  15. glassgowkiss

    Go Bernie

    Corporations already have a complete immunity at this very second, and pretty much enjoyed such since 2002. Particularly the financial sector continues to act with impunity. After the crash of financial sector in 2007 there was not a single prosecution. Some of the banking practices were not illegal, but they were unethical. However there were more then enough down right financial crimes (including massive frauds), and not a single CEO or CFO of these banks did a single hour of jail time. These things were clearly documented by journalists (read Big Short by Michael Lewis), but neither FBI nor other federal agencies did not prosecute a single case.
  16. glassgowkiss

    Go Bernie

    Says the guy whose sig line on cc.com used to be: "I love pussy but hate the bitch it's attached to" You make Trump look like a Boy Scout with your rhetoric you misogynist asshole Your friggin atrophic brain fail to register a difference and fact that I AM NOT running for a public office. If you don't like my sense of humor, you can fuck off.
  17. glassgowkiss

    Go Bernie

    Good point. The first amendment is overrated anyway. Wait, what? Bob, what just happened there........??!! What happened is a hyperbole generalization, something trump is a master of. Just like fucking bullshit statement, when trump called latinos rapist, murders and criminals. So if KKK is siding with an asshole hater, I will use asshole hater methods to insult his heritage, see how he likes them apples.
  18. glassgowkiss

    Go Bernie

    Good point. The first amendment is overrated anyway. The only thing we should ban in this country is retards that want to ban shit they don't like. Yes, let's just return to daily school reading of Mein Kampf. Shit, let's just all indulge at child porn, as it also should be protected under 1st Amendment. It has been established long long time ago by courts, that harmful speech (or hate speech) is not protected, as it might cause harm to society at large. The very same way child pornography is not protected. The effects of Trump's hate speech are already clearly visible: one of the trumps zealots told Jorge Ramos to "go back to where he came from". Never mind he is a US citizen. But clearly in your case- ignorance is a bliss.
  19. glassgowkiss

    Go Bernie

    pot. kettle. black. well, just to add personal touch trump style, all the Kozak's males are drunk assholes, and all the women are whores. Enjoy!
  20. glassgowkiss

    Go Bernie

    And in the meantime Trump is bringing the politics to the new low. Even scarier is the fact in some of the areas over 20% of population is supportive of the lowest most common denominator populist idiocracy in the making. This is a live remake of what have already happen in places like Pakistan- once you unleash this blind hate, there is no turning back. I don't know why is media even allowing for this shit- most of what Trump is saying should be labeled as "hate speech" and banned outright. And anyone even slightly supportive of this populist tool should realize that this is a dictatorship in the making.
  21. The Nose in 23 hours is nothing special. Sub 12 hours was common already in the 90's, there are several parties already in sub 10 hours category back then (sans prior knowledge). The only thing that sounds OK is a full keg of beer.
  22. glassgowkiss

    Go Bernie

    Bernie has an opinion on this topic and he is not a woman either... As for Bernie the Socialist, yes, go Bernie, please, GO. Away. far fucking away. Yeah, he has an opinion, that it should be up to a woman to decide. Yes- don't want babies? Why don't we start a program of mandatory vasectomies for males? After all, they can be reversed, but that way people would not be spawning as much.
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