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Everything posted by dummy

  1. Dubya, Rummy, Cheney... they're all still here
  2. If it's yellow, it's melllow If it's brown, it's down
  3. dummy

    Marburg Virus!

    This looks like this
  4. dummy

    ablation zone

    The first few posts on this thread were a pretty good discussion of the topic, but it's lost in spray. Can somebody clarify the ablation zone?
  5. Um... no
  6. I dunno Ray, the guy on your right looks a little bummed out he's hiking with some nut with a fucking gun
  7. Nice poser, I mean poster
  8. Thanks Off_White. How about a reference book recommendation that addresses soloist systems - are there any out there?
  9. Gag me with a fork
  10. No you asswipe, it's a courtesy. Now go munch some butt nuggets er something.
  11. Yep, get a good set of Italian leather boots. I just picked up a set of LaSportiva Glaciers. They're modest in weight, not too stiff, not too flexible, comfortable... and they fit me. Last point muy importante! These things are quite versatile, have a good snow tread, will be suitable for alpine ice, hiking off trail, and have good high ankle support for talus fields. They're probably fine for any of the volcanos around here if these are the only boot you had. Dummy Score: ****
  12. dummy

    Thank you

    You two brothers?
  13. Penis Envy...
  14. Unfortunately... yes.
  15. with boots on... OMFG that's sooo hot
  16. I think what I mean is, chicks workin it on rock are by default, hot
  17. Damn she's fine
  18. Hey bro, what you smokin? this is my thirteenth.... but happy parking ticket to ya.
  19. My bad. I just noticed it. Someone beat me to the punch. I'm so embarassed
  20. Will he chicken out or is AlpineK gonna kick his ass tonight?
  21. Whadda ya talkin' about? He said she had a nice ass.
  22. No... that's Dwayner, dummy.
  23. Shit, there's the University Bridge and the sneaky squirrel path (LEFT at Red Robbin) to get you to the same place with not more than two minutes delay... I say Grady's
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