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Everything posted by adventuregal

  1. Stay safe!!!
  2. Can't a girl dream???
  3. Been there, done that...
  4. Nice pic, Chris... Now if only they were here in MN with me...
  5. These guys need to stop posting on cc.com, go socialize, and work on attracting a real live WOMAN!
  6. mneagle... You give me hope!!!
  7. Men come and go also!!!
  8. Good call, Greg!
  9. If you climb just for a sport, as a leisure activity, and you can be happy not doing it, stay. If you climb because it's an integrated part of your life, more of an attidute/lifestyle you have, bail. Giving it up then would mean giving up too much of yourself. Personally? I would bail. Doesn't mean I still wouldn't love 'em though.
  10. I agree with Klenke. Giving up climbing would change part of who you are. And someone who wants a relationship with you shouldn't try to change you, they should accept you for who you are. It seems to me that often when relationships don't work, the people still love eachother, but just can't handle the other person's lifestyle... The love is there, they just do not make a good couple. You need both aspects for a relationship to work. So... Just date a climber. It'll be easier! (Tho make sure to have separate lives too!)
  11. Anything with lots of cheese!!!
  12. For info: Tinderbox: US Middle East Policy and the Roots of Terrorism by Stephen Zunes For fun: Girl With Curious Hair by David Foster Wallace Reading is good!
  13. SHIT... Humpty Dumpty must be a climber!!! How else did he/she get on the wall in the first place??!!
  14. Here's a question... What type of a species is Humpty Dumpty? Everyone just ASSUMES he's an egg. It never says that anywhere... I need SOURCES, people!!!
  15. Hi Muffy!!!
  16. Why do I have to wear the leopard print?! It does nothing for my figure...
  17. Muffy, Let's plan on it!
  18. Dru... why'd ya have to go and do that... You're spoiling it for me. Cheese is my favorite food!!!
  19. only like 800and 40 million times... I have lived in Oregon MY WHOLE LIFE let me know when you want to go we can drag my kiddos and they can learn the finer points of CHEESE Muffy, I am SO THERE... Cheese is my FAVORITE!!!
  20. Anyone ever been to the Tillamook cheese factory? I gotta get there this summer...
  21. With pepperjack cheese... Mmmm...
  22. adventuregal


    Lateral malleolus. It's the end of the fibula, the smaller bone in your leg.
  23. adventuregal


    I love Chaco tans... very sexy.
  24. ur insaner 'cause you no live in northwest...facts are hard to hide from....... I bet if I take it again in a few months when I'm west, I'll lower that score right down! Dru-I can't help it. I HAVE to step on the ants!!!
  25. 25.568181818181816%
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