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Everything posted by minx

  1. quick trip to the ER again last night...damn those fingernails, a tad bit of work today, easy alpine today/tomorrow, smith for the sun-tues and then who knows? i love summer
  2. minx


    again, why does this have to be all or nothing? you folks seem a bit rigid in your views. maybe i don't spend as much time with my kiddo as some of you would think is appropriate but in my house he gets to participate in his activities of choice and i'm there for nearly every practice and event. he climbs with me sometimes and i find plenty of time to climb w/o him.
  3. minx


    i like my privacy. there's a few freaks out there. should one of them take a shine to me they don't need to know if i'm a) online b) surmise that i'm at work
  4. One liter of water weighs 1 kilogram, which is over two pounds. If you have to use chemicals to purify the water, you have to either sit and wait for it to work or you have to hike while waiting for it to work, carrying the extra weight in the meantime. If you have a filter, you can drink up instantly, and not have to carry any water. In fact, for those people arguing volume, if you have a Platypus, your volume can be less when using a filter because you don't ever carry the liter of water. Anyway, I'm not saying a filter is for everything... I really like a filter on long approaches and for climbs that are not carryovers. But it seems the general attitude of people here is that filters suck, which I think is a tad overblown... gary so what happens when you start to climb with no water source? i still dont think your logic makes much sense to me. yeah you fill your bottle and then put the little tablet in it and then walk for 10 minutes.....sounds a tad more efficent as you keep moving as your water/tab does its magic. stop. take pack off un pack filter find suitable source drop filter in run some water thru it drink/fill your bottle continue to pump water thru dry repack pick up pack walk repeat every hour? i tend to think i like to constantly drink water and not at predisposed stops. more flexiable to carry your own water and then to be a slave to plans. couldn't agree w/erik much more. went out a few weeks ago with someone who was depending on a water filter. turns out we ran short of water and he'd left his where w/our gear where we camped. glad i had tablets. he didn't carry his filter b/c it was bulky and heavy but didn't bother to have tablets w/him.
  5. good point i suppose it is tame. but come on! coffee jello?!? yes i have. for example i will not consume anything blue. food does not naturally come in blue. (except for blueberries )
  6. i just got back from lunch and the restaurant was offering coffee jello for dessert!?!? this doesn't sound remotely appetizing. jello comes in colors not flavors doesn't? and who wants to eat brown?
  7. minx

    Tssk, tssk, Arnold!

    sorry pp, my pretty pink lycra is at the dry cleaner. don't think i can make it
  8. the sad thing is that they had to pay for that!
  9. minx

    Tssk, tssk, Arnold!

    i fail to see the problem?
  10. last time i checked (this morning) there weren't any towing signs there. maybe they came down this winter. regardless, people park there regularly w/o getting towed. but no harm in parking down below and walking up to avoid the shrubbery.
  11. minx

    Sex Is Like...

  12. minx

    Sex Is Like...

    brushing your teeth. you should do it everyday.
  13. minx


    why does it have to be one way or another? i know the type of person and the type of relationship that works for me. robbob and rumr have views and standards that work in their relationships and that's great for them. their marriages are working. i've been married briefly. it failed miserably and it had nothing to do with me going on overnighters w/members of the opposite sex. i have been involved with someone with out the formality of marriage for much longer than i ever managed to stay married. problems in that relationship never had to do with o/n outings with the opposite sex. i think it's about communication no matter what the potential issue. either the two of you come to an understanding that you can both live with or you don't and you move on. forever is a beautiful concept but not always feasible. we make mistakes and sometimes we grow and change in opposite directions. 2 people close to me were divorced after 20yrs of marriage. they are now friends and share many common bonds. when asked about they laugh and say "we were young and in-love but we didn't raise each other right" sort of funny thing to say but they like to point out that neither of them was the same person at 40 as they were at 20. there are no absolutes when it comes to what makes a relationship work.
  14. Anyone want to go to Index tomorrow afternoon? I can be there by 12. PM me, I'll check in the AM. I'm out for tonight
  15. minx

    Noontime Report

    how 'bout you hand over that 380sl first?
  16. i pointed out alpine buddy for a reason, we mostly do alpine routes together and very little cragging. i'm trying to be flexible but we spent an inordinate amount of time organizing gear last time. i almost can't carry some stuff on my harness b/c it hangs down to my knees. my preference is just to hand a sling back and forth...no worries. it's usually my rack but he whines anyway. and erik, i said to save it for spray....there's some things i just don't wanna know!
  17. or rather, he doesn't like how i carry my rack. one of my favorite alpine buddies and i are at odds about how to carry stuff. i prefer most of my pro over my shoulders with a few misc things on my harness. he hates a gear sling and racks most everything on his harness. this obviously creates some headaches when we're swapping leads. how do you carry your pro? (save the "in my wallet" type of comments for spray) any suggestions for handling the situation in an efficient manner?
  18. minx


    i had this conversation with my ISO. it saved a lot of hurt feelings. nothing wrong with saying it publicly as for climbers being dirtbags does that imply that dirtbags in general can't commit or does this go to my theory of that a girl shouldn't date cowboys, climbers or fighter pilots. none of them can commit i've never understood how one could settle for relationship with anyone less than an independent, passionate person. a relationship doesn't have to mean the end of such a life.
  19. minx


    matt, i think that climbing is a self indulgent activity but i don't think this issue is limited to the climbing community. i think that anytime you become involved with someone who has a passion outside of the relationship this issue comes up. i have taken backseat to the activities of others and i have neglected those in my life b/c of my pursuits. However, despite some of the negatives, i've always found that surrounding myself with people who have a passion in their life other than me overall does nothing but add positively to my life and make me better overall. as for the tradition of marriage, nothing says committed like a 30 year mortgage! being married doesn't make you try any harder to work things out, it's too easy to get divorced. i think it takes more dedication to stay when there's absolutely nothing forcing you to do so. i do like the stability of one person though.
  20. minx


    no point in it, it suits some people. i was in love, i was young, it was stupid i don't avoid it, i just don't need my relationship sanctioned w/paper what does being a climber have to do w/marriage?
  21. i hope there is strong opposition to this from both parties.it seems to me that the Patriot Act does nothing but diminish our personal freedoms i'm surprised to find that this is one of the biggest issues that i'll be consider in the next presidential election. it may be the reason i don't vote for Dean.
  22. your first mistake....overpriced coffee suxx actually i just stopped in so the kiddo could use the bathroom
  23. i'm just so confused! it's coffee for dogsake! i don't even want the ice but if you must pour it over ice how does shaking it over ice make it better. then again i've always been easily confused
  24. so i happen into a starbucks earlier today. i notice a poster for coffee that is shaken over ice and then poured over ice. isn't this just iced coffee? i understand why i would shake my gin over ice and then pour but coffee? and then to pour it over ice? are they really that desperate to find a way to charge me more for coffee?
  25. Bob's Java Jive don't know if it's still open though http://theregents.net/javajive.html
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