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Everything posted by minx

  1. minx

    Well Done!

    robbob-trask couldn't last 26.2 minutes....at anything let alone 26.2 miles. trask
  2. minx


    outstanding point! but no one has ever accused me of honor or integrity so your point is not valid
  3. ok-simple question for all the deep thinkers. would this be ok if it was some unnamed female action figure climbing doll or whatever it would be called?
  4. minx


    true...and he was honest about his reasons...ok, i recognize that trask is at least slightly above the muck in the back corner of my fridge
  5. minx


    no if he had honor and integrity he wouldn't bring it up in the first place, now would he?
  6. minx


    trask, why would you even post this if the person in question PM'd you? Wouldn't they have posted it if they wanted it advertised to the yahoos here?
  7. minx


    ya just never know...you might be wrong. (but i'm not between 20-30)
  8. The Rock is an actor and WWE wrestler. His world is all about shameless self promotion and the almighty dollar. If ya'll feel it's okay for a new generation of kids to view climbing in the same light, then fine. This is what leads to sports becoming about vanity and empty consumerism. Look at the snowboarding scene - the latest and greatest gear is more of a priority to kids than the actual sport. I have nothing against Tori - she sounds like a great girl and very well adjusted; good for her to take advantage of these opportunities. However I don't have to like what these opportunities, that only a few individuals benefit from, are doing to climbing. BTW: there are outdoor Barbies now. what's that? snow bunny barbie?
  9. No, the cc.com community is outraged because they feel the Tori Allen doll is not an accurate representation of the women climbers they are familiar with due to the lack of slobber whistle head action and a nasty PM to trask accessory kit. that is just totally unnecessary! save it for spray at least
  10. close enough youll have to explain that one. over dinner? nicely done, lummox
  11. i couldn't agree more with this statement. you'll know what's right for your family when the time comes. it's very personal and your circumstances are different from everyone else's.
  12. RIGHT ON muffy, you didn't tell me you were going out to dinner w/lummox. you just said some climber dude you were feeling sorry for. what's up w/that?
  13. this is ridiculous. this girl is 15 yrs old. she hasn't done anything wrong, appalling or even anything in particular poor taste. back off necro
  14. minx


    that's probably for the best it was a tad distracting trask, sugar, there's no one here who knows for certain if/where i have tatoo and it certainly wouldn't be/isn't a devil. try and sober up and remember who you brought home last night
  15. yeah...the little brats manage to suck all the fun out of everything don't they mine won't sit quietly, locked in the closet w/a jar of peanut butter and some water while i go for some alpine route. he's even started untying himself from the bottom of the routes where i leave him
  16. yeah no shit! such a nuissance. too bad i love the little monster so much
  17. minx


    what sex life you talkin bout, Ms IceQueen? mine...you know, one in which you are not included. what happened to yesterday's avatar??
  18. i quit for a very long time due mainly to the arrival of my son in this world. it initially started b/c climbing when you're 7 mos preggers is just awkward, then having a newborn is just too tiring, then a divorce meant i was a single parent. as a single parent, i became overly aware that i could orphan my child and i wasn't OK with that. it's more that it affected my climbing than anything else. the thought kept creeping in my head anytime i got the least bit sketched and made the situation worse so i quit altogether. things in my life have changed since then so i'm more comfortable with it now but it was about 6-7 years of nothing harder than a class 3 scramble. i will say that i'm a fair bit more cautious than i used to be and it has hindered my return to climbing some. h/e, i have more fun than ever even if i'm not climbing at the same level i used to.
  19. minx


    there are some people who just don't need to know anything about my sex life. and i'm pretty sure that includes nearly everyone who posts here
  20. minx

    Perfect Tit Size

    I like cheese pizza, vanilla ice cream, and missionary sex. -a fellow cc.comer Paco after reading your signature line, anytime i'm a cc.com person who order cheese pizza or vanillla icecream i'm going to wonder about their sex life damn you!
  21. minx


    u never asked i didn't think i had too but at least i know i can count on F8
  22. my point was that they don't ever seem to touch a computer the whole 10 sec they look at my ID
  23. minx


    no one climbs in a kilt for me
  24. i said cabana boy....NOT your boy toy
  25. how do they know if you have a dui? all they ever do is just take a quick glance at my passport and let me through?
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