i quit for a very long time due mainly to the arrival of my son in this world. it initially started b/c climbing when you're 7 mos preggers is just awkward, then having a newborn is just too tiring, then a divorce meant i was a single parent. as a single parent, i became overly aware that i could orphan my child and i wasn't OK with that. it's more that it affected my climbing than anything else. the thought kept creeping in my head anytime i got the least bit sketched and made the situation worse so i quit altogether. things in my life have changed since then so i'm more comfortable with it now but it was about 6-7 years of nothing harder than a class 3 scramble.
i will say that i'm a fair bit more cautious than i used to be and it has hindered my return to climbing some. h/e, i have more fun than ever even if i'm not climbing at the same level i used to.