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Everything posted by minx

  1. what you're really saying is that the genome could use a good defragging?
  2. wouldn't you like to know!
  3. SUCCESS!!!!
  4. seems as plain as the pimples on their faces could someone explain intelligent design for me. clearly i wasn't designed intelligently.
  5. am i the only one not shocked by this. appalled yes, surprised...no way.
  6. minx


    that's me in the middle.
  7. minx


    no, i'm sorry. i can't participate. i'm exhausted from my earlier moderation efforts. moderate moderation is an endurance sport. those speed moderators have no stamina!
  8. minx


    OW--the kids are getting needy again. can we ban them all?
  9. We at team Mistress Moderator Minx or Team MMM for short decided conditions were ripe today for a speed moderation attempt. Temperatures are moderate, lunch hour had arrived and the spray conditions were favorable for a moderation attempt. we were skeptical of our ability to topple the previous record of 0.45miliseconds for quickest moderation (held by at least 4 other moderators) so we chose to pursue a different speed record. we embarked on our goal of achieving the moderate speed moderation record. many objective hazards were encountered during our attempt. during the first segment of the moderation attempt, we were thwarted by an unprovoked conversation with a boss and an urgent request for information from another colleague. the moderation conditions seemed to decline during a short run at lunch. although disheartened by these events, the team rallied after refueling on the leftovers from a catered meeting of the senior executives. we did not achieve our stated goal of "about" an hour, the moderate moderation was completed in 1:46 according to the cc.com clock. however i was unable to find a 5 year old or a cockatiel to independently verify this time. Team MMM considers this to be the biggest event in spray moderation this month and expects appropriate unwarranted accolades. Upon completion of this highly simple route, one member of team MMM was heard to say "it was slow, but it's better that way". another member of MMM remarked, "that this attempt was done in the true style and spirit of spray, much time was wasted in pointless, off task pursuits." gear notes: one mouse and too much time.
  10. stupid bear question: i heard someone yesterday saying that there are no brown bears in WA. is this true? i've seen a couple of black bears over the years. one mosied up pretty close to the barn recently.
  11. cougars are bigger than this.
  12. minx

    25 Viewing...

    Pfffft! As we used to say in college: You can't drink all day unless you start first thing in the morning! indeed! this explains my stunning gpa at my institution of higher drinking. now i'm thinking i need to wear a stronger bra on airplanes. i really don't want my boobs to explode
  13. sheep are aid
  14. duh!
  15. can't be personal since i throw my kid out the front door to go play all the time. that doesn't mean i'm not protective. i just think you're wrong that's all
  16. money can't really buy good judgement or taste now can it?
  17. the chest hair and cheesy shirt have to go!
  18. now, that's just pathetic. what? you get to insult males all you want but I can't besmirch the supposed 'sanctity' of women/mothers at all? grow up. wait a minute here--i adore men, i generally only besmerch them in obvious jest. what i resent is the fact that you tie soccer mom's to the downfall of this country. yeah--as a mom, i take my son to soccer. better that than video game camp. yeah--i worry a bit too much about his safety and well being. that's what parents do. it's normal. it's not turning our children into pansies. that comparison is just pathetic. perhaps you ought to be attacking those things that are turning the soccer moms into fat cows instead of attacking something that is totally appropriate.
  19. minx

    Purebred Cats

    oh dru- i hate to see such a hack mistake from a pro-- don't you know the thread has drifted???
  20. exactly@!
  21. not until they're done having a late dinner and drinking a good bottle of wine.
  22. hey oly--you know when you point a finger at someone, there's 3 pointing back at you. you don't have to inflate your accomplishment for us to think you're an OK climber. you just have to climbing once in a while.
  23. minx

    Purebred Cats

    only if you like pilots
  24. minx

    Purebred Cats

    this is nebulous. on it's surface it would seem to be an ode to masculinity but we all know that's just chestbeating, right?
  25. minx

    Purebred Cats

    barry manilow and coldplay
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