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Everything posted by minx

  1. NOLSe--pchem was just lame waste of 6 credits btw--as far as education goes, i'm not even a chemist. chemistry is for nerds who can't hack biochemistry.
  2. NOLSe -- if it weren't so easy that it's boring, i'd kick your ass for that. CBS-is sufficiently busy at work and highly over qualified for this position.
  3. maybe this should go under the luxiarant hairy scientist thread? any of you unemployed science nerds that can operate an HPLC interestedin about 6-8 weeks of temp work should send me a PM.
  4. hey that's like 30 in sheep years isn't it?
  5. YAY! i've been waiting for PP's political post of the day.
  6. shuddap fox! i want to believe in this little fantasy of dry weather. don't go spouting off w/ reasonable skepticism!!!
  7. i don't want to wait but i guess i have to i'll thrutching up something on Sunday. That's just not soon enough
  8. i'm still not climbing and other members of my household got to go to smiffy this w/e
  9. minx


    After reading a couple different articles recently on the causes of global warming and "greenhouse" gasses, it appears that cars contribute less than 30% of the offensive fumes. industry seems to be the major culprit. when will we pour more resources into cleaner manufacturer technologies? why not do as europe does and cap the amount of emissions an industry can contribute? why not change the focus from cars to overall energy consumption and emissions. **please note: i'm not suggesting we should all run out and get giant SUVs. lower pollution at all possible opportunities**
  10. thanks for that lowell! i love these types of posts
  11. minx

    Monday morning

    oh! so now i finally know what that movie's plot is. cool.
  12. i'm fundamentally opposed to slab. especially run out slab...that pretty much covers all slab though
  13. Oly- i'm at least a 6.9
  14. knotzen--i'll tell you why i don't like climbing there. it might not explain it for everybody. it's run out, sandy and sketchy. makes me nervous everytime. it does seem to be dry when everything else is wet though. i'm just not a big fan of having bits of the climb come off in my hand.
  15. only to you, dru No... actually I found it particularly funny also. tee hee tee hee tee hee
  16. minx

    jesus peanuts

    sure but i'm sure your wife will let you play with yours if you ask nicely. no need to order an extra pair.
  17. minx

    jesus peanuts

    yes-b/c it's best if males have their behaviour modified by having their nuts chopped off.(ask any veterinarian, it's best for their longterm well being) however since, as we all know, it's better to look good than feel good, they should be allowed to have falsies. nothing worse than having an ugly male at the end of the leash. hell females have been using silicone implants to improve their self-esteem for decades
  18. minx

    jesus peanuts

    come on, everyone knows that chaps is cobra_commander a.k.a iaXX
  19. do the pint glasses come chilled?
  20. minx

    It's 10:00

    is it wrong that i don't know where my chat is at 10:00?
  21. only to you, dru
  22. i'm so naughty karma blows! i still wish i was climbing.
  23. It's a texas thing. it doesn't matter. i was just judging her.
  24. Evaluate her qualifications. Compare them to those of previous nominees (esp. those w/ no prior experience as a judge). Her looks have nothing to do with this. she wears too much make-up. she's not qualified
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