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Everything posted by minx

  1. but whose going to sponsor him for the food to eat with the spork? mike. nothing wrong w/free stuff
  2. minx


    well stated misterE. perhaps what you really meant to say was
  3. minx


    Where's your link? cripes! it's his fault i forgot the link happy bunnies
  4. minx


    yep! geez griz--i'm just having some fun w/spray. lighten up. it reallly is all peter puget's fault
  5. minx


    you'll know when i know. it's just been that kind of morning. i'd also like to add
  6. minx


  7. aren't any of you worried about who might replace her??? not that she was any great shakes but remember you have Shrubya picking the nominee. She was forced into withdrawing by the conservitives as much as anyone. I'm worried that the next pick will be on that actually appeals to the conservatives.
  8. minx


    mice are icky... no thank you you're still off you're game...you missed the snaffle. that mouse has a pretty active tongue. are you sure you're not interested?
  9. minx


    I wish a little man would jump out of my vibrater where do i get one of those?? i don't think that's a man popping out of that
  10. minx


    well then start writing some entertaining spray
  11. minx


  12. minx


    this presumes that there ever was quality in spray.
  13. alright--just b/c i should be setting a better example: duckie suggests that anything that will keep your rope from being directly on the dirt is a good start. old blue tarp, shower curtain, tyvek house wrap, epic fabric, old garbage bag, wrapper from a mondo burrito, etc. some materials probably keep dirt from getting to the rope from the bottom better than others but i doubt it makes that much difference. hell despite my best efforts my ropes always come home at least a little dirtier than when they left. *i want the bunnies back but being duckie is special too*
  14. should the rope get the rei dividend since you're using it's lifespan?
  15. minx

    Surrey Family Values

    Dru really should listen to the judge and start taking his meds again
  16. not a bad rule. i go with the rule that who ever is playing ropegun that day doesn't have to buy the beer. all pitches being equal, the rider bringing the beer seems reasonable.
  17. excellent point. several of you will be receiving bills from me in the near future.
  18. and you'll start again this evening
  19. Eat it. If you don't like paying insurance don't have a car. When I drive I never expect or request any money from any of my partners. When I get some it is a bonus. I figure that sometimes they will drive some and I will drive some and it will even out in the long run if not in the short run. I take people out who don't have a drivers license let alone a car and the same still stands. If you don't like shouldering the burden that is your call.
  20. This thread not digressing into a debate over ball gags....
  21. omfd! this thread is hysterical. i had no idea people were this uptight with climbing partners. charging for insurance that you'd be paying for anyway. bills for scratched cams. fussing over a couple of biners and an attitude. dang. people need to relax. i've lost more biners than that bailing off a route. when i climb with a new partner, i'm more careful about checking for gear just b/c who knows if i'll climb with them again. when i'm climbing with people i know and see regularly, i figure that if stuff gets mixed up they'll return it next time if not sooner. i guess that's why those people are my regular partners. ryhang-good on ya for letting it go.
  22. i find it a little disturbing that the FDA will allow the use of splenda (sucrolose) in food products but won't allow it to be used as one of the inactive ingredients for pharmaceuticals
  23. minx

    Lovefest Report!

    does someone have portaledge i can borrow. if we're gonna be 5 pitches and 150' off the ground, we really might need one.
  24. minx

    Lovefest Report!

    oh great! now you want me to come all the way to minnesota and you're not even going to offer me a place to stay. what a cad!
  25. minx

    Lovefest Report!

    chaps--i saw you flirting with muffy earlier. now you're asking me out for a coffe. hmmph! i'm not THAT kind of girl. and i'm definitely not the kind of girl that goes to minnesota! i'm not sure i could handle 10 meters of 4th class scrambling.
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