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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. couldn't out drink me and still climb the next day i bet ive been practiceing all summer though i probly wont be climbing over 5.5
  2. "Suck my Snaffle!" or "got nutt's", then put some bd nutts on the opisite si
  3. just know its always love fest when the shagin wagon's in town
  4. it won't be under "terrorist theat" they'll find a way to depoly under "the war on drugs" schem for sure though
  5. funny thing is its probly the truth.
  6. lol wish i could hit up oregon for a bit might I go to smith on the 1st for the weekend but not sure yet.
  7. is being held every day after 7pm festivities include: beer, jager, tekillya, and any thing else that may help influence a few hours of random bligerance to kill off the woes of yet another summer of to much work and not enough climbing. anyone intrested
  8. dear god..... arron where r u coming from ie.. where is your shit?
  9. nah he is just confused, he doesn't know the difrence between starting a great depression, and ending one
  10. any one got some free time in the middle of next week looks like i might have wensday and thur off but im not sure yet just wanted to see if anyone was availible ww
  11. ever notice that GW jr and sr kinda look like they could be related to hitler, i dont have a pic but i saw one this morning and at the very least they have the same mouths and nose some one post a pic
  12. some jack dannels and a really big hammer will get your tire right off
  13. whirlwind


    self employment would be kickass, i guess im just a pussy, i need to just let go and go wander for awhile, but it'd be nice to have someone to go with. oh well
  14. whirlwind


    is it that the more i work the less money i have to go climbing with and when i'm pretty much broke and not working i can always find a way to get climbing? it makes no sence to me, this is the first summer that i have been employed and this summer i have climbed less than the previus 3 or 4 of being broke and jobless. fing sucks balls maybe i should go back to living in my van and forging for food
  15. died in the 80's early 90's. as for the lave sleding wrecking would leave one hell of a roard rash
  16. dam cell phones, this had darwin award potental
  17. i'd pretent to be an under cover park ranger on patrol explain to them what they did was wrong and its a 1000 dollar fine, but i may be preswaded to not right them a fat ticket for a mer 100 bucks cash then after they gave me the money i'd kick em in the nutts and run but thats just me
  18. i got a room for rent 250 which includes utils its a small room but there is storage space in other parts of the house. i live in bellingham though, but its way better than olympia and there are a lot of medical jobs open right now
  19. going to squamish tomorrow if you can make it you can come along
  20. theres a pretty fine line between pleasure and pain though i supose it depends on your pain threshhold shall we devlope a rateing system for that? pleasrue vs pain: pp1-7 pp 1; dull and borning might as well be sleeping pp 2; not quite as good as sitting butt naked on newly cut grass eating fresh fruit. pp 3; fairly erotic, slightly better then skinny dipping in faily cool water pp 4; orgasmic pp 5; like eatting a very hot pepper, painful but almost euphoric at the same time pp 6; getting the crap kicked out of you, not much joy in that pp 7; about the same as getting your dick caught in a blender any questions?
  21. dam well it should be more well know that way if you want to know how cold the water is you can ask and not get a bleak " oh its really cold" which doesn't really help me but if someone would say " oh its shrivel factor 2" or "nipple factor 3" i can get a good idea what i'm in for
  22. i was thinking there should be rateing for how cold the rivers are, for instance the icicle is noticably colder than the wenache, and the creek that goes by snowcreek wall is even colder. for this reason there should be a rating system, and it should be adaptable to diferent seasons. the rating system i purpose would be quite simple, although it would have both a "positive" and "negitive" rateing for the same chill factor. positive: would be a system based solely on the state of hardness encounted by the nipple. this rateing shall be refered to as nipple factor 1-5 forinstance if the water is fairly cool and has little to no effect on the nipple it shall be refered to as nipple factor 1, if the water is freezeing ass cold and causes imediate hardness, and in some cases pain it shall be noted as nipple factor 5 now a slightly negitive rating system could be used as well this system will be based soley on the apperance, or lack there of, of the male anatomy. affectionatly known as shrivel factor 1-5; according to this system if the water is cool and has little to no effect on "mister Happy" and the twins then it shall be known as shrivel factor 1. now on the other hand if the water is freezing ass cold and the once proud family jewels resemble that of a 12 yr old before haveing had his testies drop, then this shall be uneffectionatly known as shrivel factor 5 any questions?
  23. bored, want to climb, can't
  24. what what did i do?
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