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Everything posted by ChrisT

  1. No not that one! Before they changed everything there was this cute little ball that was laughing his head off. YOU are too funny for words!
  2. where is that little laughing his ass off icon?
  3. I'm talking about the thread. What I wouldn't give for a nice long juicy thread!
  4. no shit! what I wouldn't give for a revival of "I'm bumbled"
  5. oh it's been like this all week...thought you would infuse some excitement into the scene DFA
  6. ChrisT


    Sorry don't really follow anything north of the 49ers even tho I was raised in Raider-land. But I *love* Ichiro!
  7. ChrisT


    You mean the coach?
  8. Go to Target and get the Energizer LED headlamp for $15. Even has a red light for better night vision
  9. How 'bout some of this ? Guys?
  10. aw geez...busted again! Hey Muffy I have an easy bake oven story I want to tell you...
  11. pretty puh-leeeeeeze! ...you rascal...
  12. um what's the forecast for Saturday? That's when I plan to hit the hills...
  13. Driving up to Tacoma today it was absolutely kick ass beautiful! I was even treated to an awesome shot of Mt. Ranier emerging from the clouds - truly a majestic site! Not even a raindrop until we returned to Vancouver.
  14. ChrisT

    Crystal Mountain

    yep it's def all good and there's a million reasons not to do something or a million ways to talk yourself out of doing something but the worst day skiing beats the best day watching tv...does that make sense? Enjoy!
  15. ChrisT

    Crystal Mountain

    I love to ski but I still suck at it. I'm such a newbie that I can't really discern good conditions from bad. But I *do* enjoy TLG's enthusiasm. Powder on sista!
  16. We bought our son an iPod when he "graduated" 8th grade (he was a straight A student!) and he takes it everywhere. He's loaded it with 24 hours of music and it still has 4G left! It's a wonderful little toy and sometimes I wish I had one myself, but he *does* let me borrow it occasionally...
  17. I got 1. A Hiker's First Aid Kit 2. "100 Demons" by Lynda Barry 3. Fellini's "8-1/2" DVD All things on my list - Thanks Santa!
  18. yep - ain't it the truth sista
  19. oh you should do it! I can't believe Trask isn't all over this one...
  20. waxing is my first choice (albeit expensive and painful), Nair the second choice, razor next and Epilady...LAST!!!!
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