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Everything posted by ChrisT

  1. um guys...we have thread drift here. Let's stay on trask...er task, kay?
  2. Shasta from first class
  3. DFA I knew I could count on you for some choice tips alas I am not on a Doctor's salary
  4. Sorry Ernie - you're not my type Good suggestions tho!
  5. well he *does* cook a lot of rice and he *is* Italian but steaks he usually barbeques
  6. I think you can download a trial copy from the Adobe site. You can't save but you can start learning...
  7. perfect? No...but anything for the "Naked Chef"
  8. ok - to the males who like to cook a lot and are hooked on the Food Network - any special "tool" or gadget make your life (in the kitchen) easier?
  9. ChrisT

    Reality TV

    I must say the conclusion of the Amazing Race last night was a little disappointing. Ending in Seattle's Gasworks park? They couldn't find a better setting than that?
  10. trask -I'll be sure and get you a box of depends for your next flight
  11. I'm stumped about what to get my husband for x-mas. Perhaps you could tell me about something you got in the past that was cool. I'm desperate and about to hit the mall. Arghhhh! Real (not x-rated) suggestions appreciated!
  12. I just *love* Aragorn - he's HOT!
  13. I have that cd and I commend you on your good taste!
  14. well you're no fun. Bah Humbug to you too!
  15. pleeeeeeeeeeeze dave oh please oh please oh please!!!!!!!!!
  16. FB was in Portland last weekend taking orders for his new book but his new haircut makes him look like Boris karloff.
  17. Oh and thanks to the person who gave me a star... gosh golly gee willikers
  18. Bring back Baby Rocco! Bring back Baby Rocco! Bring back Baby Rocco!
  19. I borrowed it from my friend on the SAR team and I have no idea where he got it...sorry!
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