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Everything posted by ChrisT

  1. hey I was just trying to make the dude feel better. I like gear as much as the next person!
  2. well I'm sure you meant well women are not the easiest people to buy for...
  3. well that is downright awesome. I didn't think you guys were serious about going out but I'm glad you did! Kudos to the first family of climbing!
  4. So where do you get benzoin...big boy? Must confess I never actually looked for it. Prob just get it at the pharmacy right?
  5. why thank you...you've got a nice one yourself!
  6. I know it sounds crazy but it works and I've tried everything. Less blisters with bigger boots. I like to wiggle my toes... so Greg you filling in for iain, DFA and caveman today? Where is everybody?
  7. it works for me...that and very thin socks and boots a bit on the big side. Occasionally throw in some nylon knee highs as liners...
  8. Have you tried taping your heels? Duct tape works good.
  9. I noticed the guy working at REI was named "Tenzing"
  10. well have fun guys! It's a great day out. I'll watch the boys if you want to bring them up to Vancouver...
  11. cool. I think I'm going to check it out this week. I just love Dale Chihuly and his red pants!
  12. It's a piece of electrical equipment. Alas, it's currently stored in CA. Babies and gas filled glass don't mix. Speaking of glass, anyone been to the "bridge of glass" in Tacoma yet?
  13. husband bought me a transformer one year. True, I *was* into making neon art at the time. Still it wasn't very romantic!
  14. ChrisT


    trask - I second your rec on the coolmax sox and trail runners (forget where that thread was...) the lighter the better!
  15. ChrisT


    that's perfect...couldn't have said it better myself. I have an iMac and do it a bit differently but it's the same basic concept...
  16. ChrisT


    here's the code that trask used to post the pic: http://www.student.uwa.edu.au/~gumby/gumby.gif I'm pretty sure that images have to be already posted on the Internet to add to your post. You can use "view source" to find the url.
  17. ChrisT


    Question: Do you have your own site? If not, I will spell out the other method as best I can...
  18. I think she came across more as an Osama Bin Laden lover...
  19. Just saw the local news...I guess Murray stuck her tennis shoe in her mouth
  20. well yes I would be interested...I don't hear squat about Maria or Patty - I guess I should stop reading the Boregonian...
  21. Why is it that we never hear anything from our Senators? Because we have two freshman senators trying to learn the ropes? Or do I live to far south too count? (Hear more about Ron Wyden than anyone else!)
  22. (sniff) that's beautiful guys made for tv movie material
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