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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. I let you pay to watch on one stipulation, you wouldn't talk. Fucker
  2. E-rock

    Goin' Postal

    Dogs are aid
  3. Yeah read the thread before you spray
  4. So you can say dirty stuff like, " Oh my god, you're pussy is so fucking tight and wet" and shit like that....
  5. E-rock


    I was just making the pre-emptive, war-mongering response
  6. E-rock

    I'm free!!!

    I thought this thread was an invitation...
  7. E-rock


    Yer gettin trask horney. Does he prefer the cold, dead, grocery variety, or the live, squirming, and moist variety.
  8. E-rock


    "I recall reading that it was against their constitution to allow it. " Oops nevermind then, my bad.
  9. E-rock


    Fuck Turkey they wouldn't let us launch operations from their soil, bastards!
  10. Dunno, I never watch the weather, I just go, and if the weather sucks I turn around.
  11. Yo, Timm@y, I'll go touring with you. I've got a friend living here from my home town now and he hasn't been out in the Cascades yet. If you're at the barbie tomorrow we can make plans.
  12. E-rock

    The Real Polluters

    Umm actually we do, it's called trash to steam, and it's cleaner than coal.
  13. Yeah stupid Canadians How could you not want to be on the A-Team. This is the funnies shit I read all day
  14. Hey pussy fucking dick wad, I'm a science major and don't know dick about art. I'm gonna crap on your fucking burger tomorrow, ass sniffer. I mean Wednesday...
  15. E-rock

    Please HELP!!!!

    Trask I know you haven't seen one in a while from your prison cell, but those are what you call women.
  16. I'm not going to get into a dumb argument about what is art and what isn't, but the criticisms you offer, Jordop, are no different in spirit than those that were made of Pollock or Duchamp. I gained a lot more from the piece you described than your interpretation. And as far as climber related performance art is concerned, of course it's going to appeal to climbers, the same way climbing literature does. The point I'm making is that a knee jerk reaction to art by calling it shit, only shows a reluctance to think about the artwork.
  17. I'd like to know what all the detractors consider to be art. People just like to diss on shit like that because they've never put any time into thinking about it. I don't really like it myself, and haven't been able to figure out what the artist is expressing, but I'm sure is hell not gonna call it a piece of shit and tell 'em to ship it to New York. Have you ever even fucking been to New York? Do you know who Damien Hirst is (yes I know he's not a new yorker)? Have you ever been to MOMA? R Mutt Edit: And look real closely at the photo and map that Colonel posted. Now do you think it's a piece of shit? Pretty fucking cool if you ask me.
  18. Now, now, we don't need a temper tantrum.
  19. It's astroglide moron, and I only use it to ream out your mother's dry hole. And I know exactly what thread you started that shit on, but you brought your pussification of cuss words over here too, so I figured I call it like I see it, closet-case.
  20. That's supposed to be an insult?!! What the fuck are you doing waiting for Feces in volunteer park?!!!!
  21. Sisu please spell out your fucking cuss words or stay the fuck away. You look like a complete moron starting a thread about the "F-word" and then not even using it. God-damn your a weak ass little pussy. Whatsamatta? You afraid the kiddies are gunna read the bad words you write. It's spelled F U C K and A S S H O L E. Got it, Cunt!?
  22. Hey I didn't have to share that with you, man. I need your support and understanding, besides I'm not gonna tell you how long my latest one is running (although it ain't THAT long)
  23. I know someone who met the guy who was responsible for coding that little fucker. She said something to that affect to his face before he admitted his sin. Poor guy probably gets it all the time.
  24. 2 years, between the ages of 19 and 21. I was quite the angry young man.
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