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Everything posted by AA

  1. I've got this Friday off!! Send some positive "please be sunny" chants to the sun goddesses this week... erik: that's so great mike and aaron stuck with it!! to them! they're lucky they have such a patient and fun teacher!
  2. ummmmm, you SOLOED it homeboy, in the DARK... you are my hero ewik!
  3. I think HC-fest is more appropriate as there were 3 of us women in attendance. Those who didn't go missed out!! Night climbing is fun stuff!! Nice 'lead' erik and tex...!
  4. AA


    quote: Givlers crack... other than that what ever anyone wants to ropegun for me Maybe mr. n and i will discuss a change of plans and join y'all; erik, will you take care of mr. n for the day for me?
  5. AA


    He took out the in mr.n's reply.. i'm a
  6. AA


    Erik, did you do some modificating to one of the posts?
  7. AA


    Hey sk, Do you know what stuff you plan to climb in leavenworth this weekend?
  8. AA


    Mr. N!!!! You are revealing my identity!!! No for you tonight!
  9. AA


    Hey Now!!! Now my stupid pm box is going to be full of cc boys wanting a peek!!
  10. AA


    Oops!! Sorry sk! Misread the post- I was implying Mr. N has bigger tits than you- I don't know what your tits look like...
  11. AA


    quote: I'll bet SK has bigger tits than you. I can vouch for that! Sorry Off, it's sad but true!
  12. Lego Men know how to party! Can we find a graemlin for this?
  13. AA


    Next time we won't give you so much to drink Ewik! Or just not take you to the Majestic right?!
  14. AA


    quote: watch out sk....thou natty ice is a whimp...his boss will kick yo ass!!!!!
  15. ummmm yeahhhh.... ummmm, i'm gonna need you to come in tomorrow, and ummmmm, Sunday too....
  16. AA

    Boston Basin

    Digital smgital! it looks really cool as a background on the computer... try it
  17. AA

    Boston Basin

    Nice pic caveman
  18. AA

    Mt. Pugh

    Is it a hike that I could take my dogs on? Or is this a no-no place?
  19. I think some may be missing the point here: We are barely out of our cars when someone up above yells down, "we have a class!" It's the ATTITUDE that is the problem. I agree with Dwayner 100% in the way he handled/viewed the situation. Until any of these climbers actually OWN the rock (area), I think it's completely unjustified for "whomever got there first" to take over an area that could and should be SHARED. Had "Red" not started off with the attitude of "I have a class therefore I get to take over this area..." I'm sure you (Dwayner) would not have been as peeved.... (not to put words in your mouth) Dwayner!!!
  20. Thanks guys Yes, I did have to grow some balls while about to attempt the crux... I realized that mentality is EVERYTHING!! I want to lead some more (easy ) shit!! next time I think I'll look up the grade first though
  21. I loved 'Another Roadside Attraction!' And since the location was so close to home (Skagit Valley), it made it all the more pleasing... I think you'd like that one Erik, as would most guys, there are a couple quite descriptive *sexual* parts in it as well, with lots of drugs, hot dogs, VERY good read...
  22. Need partner/leader, have the day off, thinking about a quick day-trip up there from B'Ham, weather permitting of course. Up for anything in moderate range, just starting to lead on easy trad.. pm if interested.. ~Anitra
  23. AA


    Thanks for all of the advice guys! Although we didn't end up doing it- went to Wa Pass instead
  24. AA


    my concerns are the weather forecast/changes... not too excited about descending the chimneys in the rain/snow... is it doable in one day for 3 moderately in-shape weekend warriors? i understand this is a relative question... tia
  25. AA


    Anyone done Shuksan via Fisher Chimneys or Sulphide within last couple weeks? Three weekend warriors going up fc and down the sulphide (leaving 2 cars of course) this weekend... comments/suggestions much appreciated....
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