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Everything posted by j_b

  1. It seems like denial of ptsd is a wider problem than at Ft Lewis, no?
  2. Congress doesn't have the balls to declare war, they might lose votes. They'd rather just give a blank check to the Executive Office and let him take the blame. Fucking wankers. Like Ron Paul did for Afghanistan when he gave a blank check to GW?
  3. j_b

    Very powerful.

    why do you keep ignoring there are other presidential candidates beside those you listed? Not only would these other candidates bring the troops home but they also wouldn't return us to the 19th century like Paul is proposing to do. If it's a matter of electability, Paul is no more immediately electable than the others you refuse to acknowledge. Or is it that you totally buy into the less tax/drown gov in a bathtub/states rights nonsense yet you couch your choice as an antiwar vote?
  4. More paddle action for you for showing up the headmistress ... little snot.
  5. You interested in that bridge for sale? Half price for you!
  6. j_b

    End of an era?

    Unfortunately, it won't be that long before we manage to get rid of entire marine ecosystems. Anyhoo, [video:youtube]v=hgCqz3l33kU
  7. j_b

    End of an era?

    Ocean acidification
  8. j_b


    It's not a linear relationship because there are positive feedback: not being able to afford education has definite consequences for one's lifetime earning potential, divorcing due to economic instability (main cause of marital break up) makes one more vulnerable to losing one's job, a lifetime of low status jobs doesn't translate into cashing in one's experience and seniority, etc. Even though there isn't a simple answer (due to the feedback mentioned above), the proof is in the pudding of the increasing lack of economic mobility for those at the bottom of the income ladder. Unless you believe that poor people have some loser gene in common (or some lazy gene as conservatives claim), one has to admit that economic security is what enables most of us to acquire education, sustain stable relationships and grow old to benefit from the expertise gained during a meaningful career.
  9. j_b


    Right, but what you need to consider is how not being educated, not being married, not working full time most often result from economic hardship rather being the cause of economic hardship as Jayb likes to pretend.
  10. j_b


    Nice dodge but nobody is pointing the finger at the top quintile. People are pointing the finger at the upper 1% that have captured most of the income growth over the last 30+ years and got 93% of the "recovery" since 2008.
  11. "Stossell's illegal everything" Typical nincompoop demagoguery from Stossell and Fox. Rather than show how the regulatory apparatus is captured by private interests or why the relation of police to the public has to be reassessed, Stossell, of course, finds there are too many laws like that making sure the cab you hire is road worthy and the driver a professional. Despite his innuendos to the opposite, Obama approved fewer federal regulations than Bush. btw, what's the difference between regulating the sale of raw milk and demanding that school children be vaccinated?
  12. [video:youtube]v=lBE2D6aY8Fg
  13. [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mslOtl1Cl2s
  14. [video:youtube]v=jgYwcb9Pclo
  15. j_b


    As it turns out, the US is among the least meritocratic OECD countries and the social elevator is in great part a myth even if rag to riches stories always end up making the front page. Taxes enable educating, giving health care, etc .. to those who can't afford it, which in turn leads to greater economic activity. Myth of the social elevator
  16. j_b


    Yesterday's Occupy Portland demo against ALEC: [video:youtube]v=fzi7rgI-LTU Just because corporate media isn't reporting, doesn't mean that it's not happening.
  17. It looks like the terrain trap contributed in large part to the high body count. The slope that failed was quite limited in extent (200' wide) but the narrow chute insured that those caught were flushed all the way down the drainage.
  18. Warren Buffett on corporate taxes: [video:youtube] "The interesting thing about the corporate rate is that corporate profits, as a percentage of GDP last year were the highest or just about the highest in the last 50 years. They were ten and a fraction percent of GDP. That’s higher than we’ve seen in 50 years. The corporate taxes as a percentage of GDP were 1.2 percent, $180 billion. That’s just about the lowest we’ve seen. So our corporate tax rate last year, effectively, in terms of taxes paid for the United States, was around 12 percent, which is well below those existing in most of the industrialized countries around the world. So it is a myth that American corporations are paying 35 percent or anything like it…Corporate taxes are not strangling American competitiveness."
  19. all valid questions that you should have asked of yourself before posting that misleading chart. I didn't have to since you failed to substantiate your point with meaningful data (your gini curve that excludes the highest earners from the analysis) and you didn't consider whether dislocated families result from economic hardship rather than the opposite (economic hardship resulting from family dislocation), As for the total compensation bit, you haven't replied as to how total compensation has increased yet legacy pensions have all but disappeared and there is a smaller fraction of employees who have employer paid health care plans, and workers usually pay a greater share of these programs that are typically worth less.
  20. Meanwhile, the zealots' war on women goes on: US judge strikes down law mandating sale of contraception
  21. I haven't seen an overview of the slide yet. Has anyone seen any info as to how the snowpack likely failed (in the trees apparently?) and a terrain description?
  22. j_b


  23. Actually, it's a Paul Krugman column, but Truthout has great columnists like Reich, Stiglitz, Hedges, etc .. Not that it would make any difference to a Fox "news" lemming.
  24. Proof that JayB doesn't really know what goes into the charts he posts here: http://www.truth-out.org/conservatives-twist-economic-debate/1329850101
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