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Everything posted by j_b

  1. In other words, you are denying the effectiveness of soldier desensitization training despite the overwhelming evidence. I never suggested to ban violent video games although I probably wouldn't let one near my growing kid if I had one (the same way I didn't let them watch everything on TV)
  2. Honestly, even when ignoring your obvious intent, the trolling behavior itself points to some deep problems. Get some help.
  3. trolling on the internet for years on end must be a sign of happiness and mental stability ... Don't kick the dog when you get home.
  4. whenever you have an actual rebuttal, do let us know. In the meantime? get lost, wanker!
  5. [video:youtube]v=kUEGHdQO7WA
  6. huh? what are you saying?
  7. It appears that you are not appreciating the role of repetition and ever more graphic images in desensitization.
  8. what a fucking moron you are KKK.
  9. "Indeed, today many video games are actually replicating military training and conditioning kids to kill" manufacturing contempt
  10. Presenting the choices faced by modern soldiers in a vaccuum, as if they weren't fully conditioned by their training to do the unthinkable, is disingenuous dross.
  11. What dross! Countless studies have shown that through ww2 ~80% of soldiers refused to kill the enemy. Only after thoroughly dehumanizing desensitization training programs were introduced has this ratio changed. manufacturing contempt
  12. More of the same ethnocentric crap. Grow up!
  13. It depends on the goals of intervention. If the goal of occupation is to install a "friendly" government that we keep supporting for the next few decades, it may do what it was designed to do.
  14. You ought to ask the wit connoisseur if it met his approval. In all honesty, it made me laugh (considering the recipient of the golden shower and his track record in being civil) but I understand that humor isn't universal.
  15. Gee, that's almost as funny as your threats to rape FW and his family. You're a barrel off laughs, you fat, worthless fuck. As if your constant smearing of people who say things you don't like were any funnier.
  16. If people knew, many fewer would condone military adventurism, which explains why information is tightly controlled, reporters embedded, tales of "surgical strikes" and "collateral damage" rampant, and images censored. It's wildly successful too as seen in how relatively few give a rip about this nation being permanently at war.
  17. Cranking on small holds when it's cold out increases chances of injury significantly (or at least, my experience seems to show it is the case for me) Many view cragging more as practice for the mountains than as an end.
  18. Probably should have just closed his eyes, nodded his head, gone along, and kept cashing those oversized paychecks. Not entirely surprising that a technology company doesn't want an anti-science fool to be their public figure, which is entirely different than being canned for expressing views that have nothing to do with one's job description.
  19. She is an evangelical but the article doesn't say that evangelicals are especially the culprits, which makes sense since free market zealots and their think tanks are the main demographics behind climate science denial.
  20. Are we in the "Winter Storm 2012" corporate media mode yet?
  21. may be, as long as you include free-marketeers in the zealots-r-us denomination.
  22. Bill-"let's go back to 1850"-coe found a crooked researcher, which obviously means that all researchers that say things regressives don't like should be harassed.
  23. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/10/05/AR2010100504908.html
  24. Nothing personal, it's just "freedom" loving regressives doing what they do best (as shown for as long one cares to think about, including on this board).
  25. "A British analysis of 12,000 male physicians found that moderate drinkers had the lowest risk of death from all causes during the 13 year study." http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2541157/
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