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Everything posted by RayBonbon

  1. RayBonbon


  2. Think of it as a cleverly managed "dirtbag" TM event, like going to Tom Sawyer's island at Disneyland. That is to say, you can expect a reasonable facsimilie, an erzatz "climber's event" complete with tame wildmen acting out scenes of debauchery from the days when climbing was an avocation rather than a fashion posture and resume highlight. Rest assured that the embedded Forest Service personnel will keep this event kid tested and mother approved. Remember, vote Beck for Master of Sport and your personal representative to the halls of power, because its always some asshole or another, and it might as well be the devil you've seen vomiting in an alleyway.
  3. Yeah right slutcock, Charlie you are nothing but a chocholate love tunnel.
  4. Leave me out of this, I'm in exile with Dan's dog.
  5. Wowsers! I've got my money on the WAC.
  6. ...along with all my other climbing gear.
  8. Hi! Charlie! meow meow meow
  9. Shut the fuck up..............you whiney bitch
  10. STFU Allison, there you go again, this thread is about ME.
  11. Eat Me......bitch
  12. RayBonbon

    Free music

  13. Keep defending your lover and I’m sure Dru will give you a reach around.
  14. I’ve got pictures of Dru bent over and a goat giving him the business.
  15. RayBonbon


    Yer all going to get much more than they asked for!
  16. RayBonbon


    this kid is back in town to whip you little sallies into shape. daisy is pissed, and so am i watch out wankers
  17. Ski bowl sux! Ride snow bunny.
  18. Chossil Rock = [ 08-29-2002, 08:38 PM: Message edited by: RayBonbon ]
  19. JUST LOU
  20. Originally posted by richard noggin: will eventually be in a new guide book, but not any time soon... will probably be leaking out sometime next year.... this crag is destined to be secret for as long as possible Well fuck off chump change, secret clubhouse creepy handshake smell my secret spot climbers got no business consulting us peons about how to run their pissant little hush hush kingdoms.
  21. RayBonbon


    Denny baby, you can't take the high road if yer gonna wallow in the gutter
  22. RayBonbon


    quote: Originally posted by trask: quote:Originally posted by RayBonbon: And Trask, that crap has nothing to do with climbing. heh peckerwood, if i wanted to hear from an asshole i would have farted Heh gramps, I thought you'd just wait for a call from yo mama
  23. RayBonbon


    quote: Originally posted by Retrosaurus: I AM THIN-SKINNED AND SENSITIVE. Ha ha ha Ain't that the truth ya old fossil, aim for the right target and you come unglued like a sport route put together with elmers.
  24. RayBonbon


    Dude, the only Si I know is man, guess that makes you a Log Cabin Republican. And Trask, that crap has nothing to do with climbing.
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