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Everything posted by sk

  1. sk

    If men ask for sex

    You all couldn't aford me
  2. quote: Originally posted by bellemontagne: quote: ...iam still bitter because i directly ask this guy that i climb with if he is interested to have sex with me and he was appalled by the whole thing Jeez!!!! I still can't understand why the guy could be so appalled?!?! Amazing... I may or may not have taken her up on her offer, but come on. I would have been pretty damn excited if she propositioned me! As a male, it's nice to be the hunted instead of the hunter every now and then. It's certainly far less work... I think that it is good for a woman to speek her mind, and ask for what she wants. The difficult part is accepting the "no" when it comes. Asking doesn't mean you get it. But it seems more likely. Hurray for speaking your mind!
  3. sk

    If men ask for sex

    Depends on the tip your planning to leave
  4. sk

    If men ask for sex

    Maybe if everyone had more sex they wouldn't be so freaking crabby
  5. quote: Originally posted by willstrickland: Preachin to the choir honey...I'm the proud owner of a '63 Harley panhead, brown metallic, filled seams, teardrop tank, suicide-shifter. Actually go this as a college graduation present from my uncle, who's birthday I share. Got pics of me as a 5 year old on the back of that bike. Also got pics of me, my dad, and uncle rebuilding the engine in 1978 with cans of PBR everywhere. Difrent clubs ride different. My six your old has a shovel head with his name on the plates, 3yr old has a black hog, can't remember what it is... I am being passed over. Will purchase own when I can no longer climb. Both uncles and daddy ride. Nothin' like the open road BTW excelent grad present
  6. sk


    Hee hee I realize that I am not up to the task... No one can be the Captin... I only hope we can have a few laughs even though he and dru are away [ 05-09-2002, 01:56 PM: Message edited by: sk ]
  7. quote: Originally posted by sayjay: quote: sk: ... frankly if some looser can't handle a fucking friend than he is a looser. I think she was talking about fucking a friend, not "a fucking friend". Or do you really think that any guy that won't sleep with any female friend is a loser? quote: sk: Having the relationship that you want is possible. Just be clear, set limits, and keep looking and asking. Besides the chase is half the fun ???Sweet advice, but it sounds like beta for finding a husband, not for getting your climbing partner to hop in the sack with you... I don't think that a person who wont have sex with a friend is a looser. It probably would have been helpful had the guy been strait up.(just guessing, but when signals get crossed usualy someone isn't comunicating very clearly) But I do think that having a friend who is also a lover can be a good thing. It works very well for some people. It's all about consenting adults. That's what the limit setting, setting expectations is all about. It sounded like a messey hurtful experience. If you can't fuck your friends who can you fuck? Jeez, women are harder to spray with than men P.S. A relationship that lasts 5 minutes is still a relationship and desurves(sp) kindness and consideration Not saying that it always works out that, just would if the world were perfect
  8. Umm I hate to tell you guys this but Men who ride hogs Don't drink goat piss, or horse piss. They drink whisky Often single malt scotch, But never shit beer. They take too much pride in their drinking [ 05-09-2002, 01:37 PM: Message edited by: sk ]
  9. Uhhh... Larry I sugested that rain find the right man. I don't think you qualify.
  10. quote: Originally posted by Poseur: boingoingoingoing! Do you have apoint here? If so please make it
  11. Hey, I'm still here. Whats the big idea? I'm doing my part to keep things blazing arround here. Cheer up boys
  12. Dman, I guess if you all are big enough to admit it so am I
  13. sk

    Birthdays on calander

    Please send money. I always like it and it always fits
  14. The trick is finding the right man. I heard somewhere that every strong woman secrerly wants to find a stronger man that will gently dominate her. I don't know if that is true or not, but frankly if some looser can't handle a fucking friend than he is a looser. Having the relationship that you want is possible. Just be clear, set limits, and keep looking and asking. Besides the chase is half the fun
  15. I suck .482 I think I need to lay off the beer and smoke in the AM [ 05-09-2002, 01:13 PM: Message edited by: sk ]
  16. sk


    NO WAY BAbe' I got your somthin' to do right here But don't tell cavey jr., he might get jelous I see that my taking a morning off has been detrimental. Let the spry fest start [ 05-09-2002, 01:57 PM: Message edited by: sk ]
  17. Don't be embarassed, I might still hang out with you cavey, But you might have to wait for me in the car
  18. what she said. That was beautiful!!!
  19. Thank you sweet heart. You just made my day
  20. I'm listening.... P.S. you could have PM me back
  21. If you want to talk to me, You can find me in spray. Now either buy Timmy's laptop, or get out of here
  22. sk


    quote: Originally posted by allison: [ And SK, I am familiar with the concept of 'taking words back' and am not down with the program on that. You are welocme to it, but I'm not interested in going that route. [/QB] No offense ment And just to clarify, I'm NOT down with hate. I think that hate is for small minded people who have dificulty with differences. Everyone has a diffrent line in the sand. For me personaly, words have little effect when thrown arround by people I am not emotionaly involved with. Physical Violence crosses my line. I'd like to think we are on the same side here? You've got someone elses back, I've got yours.sk [ 05-08-2002, 10:43 PM: Message edited by: sk ]
  23. Never claimed not to be. It's part of my CHARM
  24. Here's to you. There is good and bad in every situation IMHO.
  25. sk


    Hey allison, Have you ever read the book C***? I have not, but from what I understand, it is a book encouiraging us to own the word, to make it our own as women. Not sure though. I have a few Gay women friends as well. Most of them are as loud and obnoxious as I am and one would find it verry difficult to provke or offend them. Every one is different. I don't use the word, But I am not offended by it. to you sista P.S. IMHO I think that goes for most words and phrases that people are ofended by, admitadly that,s coming from a strait white woman, and I don't know everything [ 05-08-2002, 07:43 PM: Message edited by: sk ]
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