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Everything posted by sk

  1. sk

    Big Climbing Party!

    why? are you not old enough to drive a real car??
  2. Jeez dru, can we stay at your house and have a newbie fest??? I like following for now, I do agree that is a great way to learn. It changes how you climb. You are SO focused on getting the gear that climbing is second nature.
  3. what he said!
  4. sk


    That's one I haven't heard
  5. sk


    then you claim blondness, that you otherwise cover with hair dye. What do you call a brunette between two blonds? translater
  6. sk


    is that the best you can do???
  7. sk


  8. sk


    OOOPS!!! There are times when I forget to cover the blond roots IF you can't laugh at yourself Jeez, at least SOMBODY said something, I feel like I had a booger on my face
  9. sk

    Big Climbing Party!

    quote: Originally posted by Son of Caveman: quote:Originally posted by sk: why? are you not old enough to drive a real car?? SK- You and your hubby ought to go try these sometime. They're a kick in the ass. I guarantee you'll have fun. What's to lose?? Dood, what's with the kit gloves??? I'm not scared of you or your cronies
  10. sk


    Look it's SOCM, some old scrusty man!!!!! [ 05-03-2002, 02:09 PM: Message edited by: sk ]
  11. sk

    What is Spray?

    pepper boy... EEEE Gads what have I done. BEWARE!!! turn back to the light young skywalker, you know not what is ahead of you. They are BAD MEN. Poor pepperboy...he is lost. spay= the decline of the western civiliztion.
  12. This big bear walks into a bar in Bozeman and demands a drink. The bartender says " we don't serve big bears in bars in Bozeman. So the bear slams his paw on the bar and demands a drink again. The bartender says " we don't surve big bully bears in bars in Bozeman". So the bear gets realy mad and starts yelling and cussing and says "If you don't give me a drink I'll eat some one". So the bartender says " we don't surve big belligerant bully bears in Bozeman". So the bear ate a woman at the end of the bar, and the bartender says " we don't surve bears on drugs". "What do you mean" says the bear, " I don't do drugs", Bartender says "That was a barbitchyouate"
  13. quote: Originally posted by erik: socm= some old crusty man socm= sickly obese cookie monster Thanks erik, Thaught it might be some thing like that, or perhaps some strange cult. [ 05-02-2002, 11:22 AM: Message edited by: sk ]
  14. Please define
  15. sk

    Saving Weight

    Just make a new profile , I think there are several people who have several. Not that you would abuse this, but some do....
  16. sk

    Saving Weight

    Just make a new one
  17. Dreamer
  18. stalker
  19. quote: Originally posted by Crackbolter: Quoted from climbing magazine #213 June 2002 "Sporting Life(message board)" by Matt Samet "Yet, there is a downside: it's now possible to slander the hell out of each other without ever meeting face to face. This is especially true of message boards, ostensibly repositories of useful Beta, like where to go bouldering on a snowy day or directions to the hot new crag. Sadly, these message boards have evolved in to a receptacle for quips, jibes, insults, spray and flat out attacks, posted by net geeks hiding behind the cloak of anonymity or a trumped up alias." Sad, sad, sad but true. If not for spray, we could not share our wit and humor. We would all have to know REAL beta. Then what? the world as we know it would be serious, boring, sprayless.... Tears, sobbing... Please don't take away the spray
  20. sk

    Saving Weight

    Right, sure, you bet
  21. quote: Originally posted by Crackbolter: sk--- I don't know you but, never say never. Thanx Guess that's true, never thaught i'd climb rocks either. now I can't stop.
  22. sk

    Saving Weight

    despite husbands dissaproving, been trying to figure out inexpensive way to get rid of majority of breast tissue. Betty tops are made primarily for "small" women any way, Firgure I would be doing my self a favor in the long run.
  23. Thank you erik!!! I realy enjoyed that. I climb because I love it. I enjoy the freedom, and the simple act of taking my life in my hands. I enjoy the company, the wilderness. Not to sound cheesey, but I am... Being in touch with the mother. I took my sister-in-law to smith for the first time last year and on the hike out, I was struck, "what better place is there to worship" be it god or what ever you choose to believe. I believe that climbing improves all aspects of our lives. Unfortunatly, this only works if you have some kind of spiritual connection with the earth. If that is what you seek. If all you want is to bag the peek, or tick the climb off your list, I feel you are missing the most important part of the experience. That being connectedness. I will never be world class, I will never climb everest or K2. I don't have the physical endurance/capsity to do those things in a way that I would feel proud of. I felt the most important thing Yovone said was about personal responsability.... That applies to all things, all asspects of who we are. Live, climb, BE how you believe.
  24. sk

    Saving Weight

  25. sk

    Saving Weight

    Who knows realy, but caveman himself????? Any relation to our beloved Captin???? But then you'd never tell, now would you?
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